is it ok to go over on fats?

I stay in my calories and only eat healthy fats. For instance, Almond coconut milk for my oatmeal and coffee, olive oil, avacoado with my salad, flax seeds with my oatmeal. Nuts and nut butters, whole grain only for carbs and edamame for snacks. And every day I am over on my fats and it shocks me. I eat very little dairy as I am allergic. One slice of cheese with my low fat turkey sandwich and low fat mayo for the bread. I guess I could go low fat cheese but then I would rather just leave it off cuz well that tastes horrible. So my question is this. I know from the past that I am willing to even go low low carb but my body will scream at me if I take all the fats out of my diet. Can I be over the macros as long as they are heart healthy fats? And stay away from the bad fats?


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Sure, why not. Just watch your calories and you'll be fine.
  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    To answer your question: yes. I always try to hit or go over my protein goal, hit or go under my carb goal, and let fats fall where they may. (I usually don't hit my macro goals, but I try.)
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    100 percent correct! the bad fats which we are warned about is the bad fats that are found in biscuits, chips, coconut oil, cheese, milk, etc (transfats and saturated fats) Good fats like those found in fruits such as avocado's and those found in nuts and seeds are essential for helping protect the heart , lowering cholesterol and supporting overall health. In fact healthy fats can help you control and aid weight loss.
    However, moderation is key. Too much of any good thing can become a bad thing.
    As a rule keep all fat intake to around 20-35 % of your total calorie intake, anything over this and it can negatively affect your weightloss.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    100 percent correct! the bad fats which we are warned about is the bad fats that are found in biscuits, chips, coconut oil, cheese, milk, etc (transfats and saturated fats) Good fats like those found in fruits such as avocado's and those found in nuts and seeds are essential for helping protect the heart , lowering cholesterol and supporting overall health. In fact healthy fats can help you control and aid weight loss.
    However, moderation is key. Too much of any good thing can become a bad thing.
    As a rule keep all fat intake to around 20-35 % of your total calorie intake, anything over this and it can negatively affect your weightloss.

    ok I am usually around 35% on fats, sometimes under but never over 36%. So even if I am under on calories being over on fats can stall my weight loss? I was wondering why I am getting smaller (have not measured myself but I know my pants and belt is looser) but my weight has not gone down. Maybe this is why. It is just so many whole grains and nuts have fats in them. I will put in my food thinking I did good and see myself over on fats and under on protein and it blows me away. I guess I need to start eating more lean meats like chicken instead of fish. That might help also I guess. Thanks.
  • dahlialia
    dahlialia Posts: 16
    Different ranges of macros work for different people.

    Those who are on a low carb diet, and eat moderate protein for example, can eat 50-60% fats or more, and lose weight.