Just want my life back... Starting insanity(:

Well, I started an account on here about a month ago but never really got started to workout. I basically hit my rock bottom and I want my life back! I decided to start Insanity! Just finished my first workout.. It was honestly the hardest thing I have EVER done!!! I really need some support in my journey! I will support everyone because I think you seem to really get it going with friends! Anyway thanks guys!!! (:


  • Nutrition1975
    Good luck with your Insanity journey! I completed it 2x and it is an awesome workout - please feel free to ask questions as they come up. Modify when you need to, drink a ton of H2O and rest when you need to..have fun and dig deeper :)
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Congratulations on starting, that is a HUGE step. Exercise gets easier every single time you do it. Not easy, just easier. You can do this! You got this!!
  • nicholebean
    nicholebean Posts: 160
    Heck yes for starting Insanity! I just finished a week ago and loved every minute of it! Can't wait to see your results!
  • Courtbel2011
    THANK YOU!! I started tonight and I can already tell it's going to be intense! I had to pause a few times but I did my best! I keep breathing really hard so it stops me :(
  • Courtbel2011
    Thank you so much! I hope it gets easier! That and eating right! I am a sweets person so I really need to get control of my eating habits!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Yay for starting Insanity. I have completed it once before and am doing it again....on week 2. I still have a love/hate relationship with it and Shaun T! I'm not totally sold on the six days a week as it mainly focus' on the lower body and my legs are exhausted by day 6. I'm gonna stick it out though cause the results are amazing! Good luck on your journey!
  • Kalebs8mom
    Congratulations on starting insanity......you can do this. I do something similar with my gym....MX 30. It is 4 weeks, 4 days a week. I love it.....pain tiredness and all.
  • Courtbel2011
    Thank you everyone! I am sure I will hate insanity by the end of the 60 days! lol
  • azgidget1
    I don't know how to do this. I just don't want my life at 57 to continue being fat. My 2 daugthers has never seen me even just a bit chunky. I have all these tools around me and my life can be planned around weight loss right now, It been a month but I have lost 5 lbs. its no more always just sitting.
  • rachelrox81
    rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
    So awesome! I just started my second week of Insanity. It's crazy! I love it and I love the meal plan, it's like a meal plan for dummies. So easy to follow and the food is good! No weird ingredients either. Keep going! I've read a lot of people's results come in month 2 so stick to it.

    Good luck! Hope to see before and after pics!

  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Good luck wih Insanity!! I did one round and loved it. I didn't have a huge weight loss but I did lose inches and gained strength I didn't know I had. At 38, I had never been able to do a push-up, I think I did 10 push-up jacks by the end of month 2.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    I hope to be fit enough to start Insanity soon, good for you for getting started!
  • Deboraleeann
    Deboraleeann Posts: 7 Member
    Excellent! Congratulations on getting it done. That's the most important part, simply getting it done. I've started Hot Yoga and tomorrow I will start a fitness class called 'Train for a Triathlon'. At 211.2 not sure how that's going to go but image being said weight and doing Hot Yoga with tiny yogis and yoginis....felt a little weird but at the end of the day, wasn't about them. Congratulations again. Have a great day.
  • skohl83
    skohl83 Posts: 23
    I am finishing up my first round now....focus....you can totally do it, when you feel run down just press play....
  • Courtbel2011
    Thanks guys! I really hope I loose alot! I hope everyone has the best journey finding their results! (: