I have a problem. I'm not loosing! I've come to the conclusion that I maybe need to adjust my calorie intake from 1200 t0 1464 which is mfp tells me is my new bmr based on my weight etc.... Or is there something else that I'm missing here? Need some input please?:sad:


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If your BMR is 1464, only getting 1200 calories probably means you aren't eating enough. Do you know your TDEE?
  • shannonperry13
    yes, i would say figure out your bmr and tdee. when i first joined mfp they gave me 1300 cal, i did that a while then upped it bc it wasn't enough for me, then last week i read a post on bmr and tdee, and found out that i should be eating 1900 calories and that is not including eating back exercise calories.
  • shannonperry13
    use this military body fat caluclator to figure out bodyfat
    then figure out your bmr

    use this one - Katch-McArdle Forumla
    it is the 3rd paragraph down on the page and will give you a calorie number and that is how much your body NEEDS to keep functioning. if you eat less than that number then you will be in so called "starvation mode" where your body thinks it isn't getting enough nutrition and so it starts to store everything as fat.
  • shannonperry13
    i read all of this in a different forum post but i couldn't find it. anyways you then figure out your TDEE. you need to eat LESS than your TDEE, but AT or ABOVE your BMR :) its all a little confusing isn't it? :) lol
  • yodapooper
    :huh: OK, I can't even eat the 1200 calories so how the heck will I manage even more food? This is not good!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You could make up those extra calories with a big spoonful of peanut butter. I'm sure you can manage.
  • shannonperry13
    drink a couple of glasses of skim milk during meals? or eat some nuts, spread peanut butter on a banana? :)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    drink a couple of glasses of skim milk during meals? or eat some nuts, spread peanut butter on a banana? :)
    Or a glass of whole milk. Why drink skim if you're trying to get more calories?
  • shannonperry13
    i don't know i'm not a professional, i was just thinking add 90 calories by drinking milk instead of water. and it has less fat. ? :) by all means drink whatever kind of milk you want! :)
  • yodapooper
    TDEE??? What is that and why do I need to know that? Heck, I'm fat and confused and just want to loose it!!!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure. You can calculate it at the web sites above. Most posters agree that you should eat b/w you BMR and your TDEE i believe. The flaw I see in eating up to your TDEE is the accuracy of the amount of calories you burn with exercise. So, eating up to your TDEE may mean that you are eating at maintenance if your exercise calories are wrong.
  • cbrewer904
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    :huh: OK, I can't even eat the 1200 calories so how the heck will I manage even more food? This is not good!

    If you add some nuts or a piece of cheese with some fruit you will be able to up your calories or just eat more of what you are already eating.
  • jchance1975
    Ok, so based on the "Fat 2 Fit" calculator, I should be eating approx 1600 calories/day at a sedetary level (or 2100 at a moderately active level; which I am since I work out pretty hard 4-5 days/week). This is just hard to wrap my mind around as I have been striving to eat between 1200-1400/day. When I redo the calculations to maintain my current weight, it only adds back 150 calories at a sedetary level. It just seems like it would take an extremely long time to reach my goal when it takes 3K calories to to loose a pound. Am I just looking at this all wrong?
  • shannonperry13
    i don't know anything, i'm no fitness professional or dietician, all i've learned is from reading forums. but i am eating 1800-1900 calories a day, and exercise between 30-90 minutes 4 days a week depending on what i'm doing, and i have lost 26 pounds in 2 months. :) there is a really good forum on here who has it explained much better than i have, but i can't seem to find it :/

    all i know is that this has been working for me :)
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    If you are going to increase your calories I would opt for the lower number and see what happens. You can always increase later. I am a little leary about the accuracy of the exercise calories.