Okay, so who's kidding who?

tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
So, I've been here a couple of months now. Here's the deal. I don't eat breakfast. I don't like exercise (traditional). I clean my house, garden, do yard work, but to go to the gym is not me. I'm on my feet all day and damn it I'm 46 years old and after work I'm tired. I am a carb junkie. I know white food is not good for me and I'm trying to cut back. I like beer. My diary is closed because I need to be honest with myself first and if I think someone else is going to judge I may not be truthful at all. I can stay within my calorie goal for the most part buy weekends can easily shoot it all to hell! Any way....baby steps....I want to be here....I am making progress...any one else in the same boat?


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    One step, two steps... sure.
    Gardening and yard work can be good exercise. So can a walk around the neighborhood.
    Carbs are good for you in moderation.
    You can do it!
  • emailz
    emailz Posts: 5
    Learning discipline is hard....for you it might be cutting out one thing at a time or adding rules to your diet like "No beers until the weekend". Start adding a rule every week and see if you can close down your dietary gap that way. For others they have to change everything at once, that's how I've done it
  • shaelanglois
    You sound alot like me!!!! I hate the traditional type excercises too. I could hike next to a lake all day long, but walking on a treadmill is BORING. I have been doing water aerobics and love it. It doesn't seem like excercise. I also am a carb junkie, but have been finding healthier choices for them. Some just don't cut it (can't find a good choice for potato chips LOL), but others are pretty good. I found out I actually prefer brown rice over white and some of the whole wheat pasta are really yummy. I don't blame you for being tire. I don't work and I am still exhausted at the end of the day. I think you are doing great. Since you know the weekends are your trouble spot, maybe plan ahead. Limit carbs a little more during the week, so you can splurge more on the weekend. Keep going and you can do it.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    ya..well its not all about just losing weight..its about being healthy.

    and unfortunately that requires work. exercise and proper diet.

    good luck
  • KScho28
    KScho28 Posts: 5
    All of this advice is accurate and good. There is some give in take. Tracking your foods will always help. Try keeping little things around that will do the trick, but not push you over the edge (ie. Dove Dark Chocolate anyone?). Switch your whites to browns slowly if it's too much at first. Frankly, I went all organic and all brown if wheat at all and I feel 10 times better.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Hey, I feel ya. I know I don't eat clean. I'm a university student - Kraft Dinner, pizza, and beer are all part of my existence. It's unrealistic for me to expect to eat perfectly every day. A lot of my exercise between Sept-April comes just from walking to my classes.

    I took baby steps too - cutting out or lowering my intake of various things here and there, not all at once.

    But hey - I've found success so far! IIt's been considerably slower than others, but I'm alright with that. 'm confident that you will be successful too. Just stick to your guns and don't let anyone preach that their way is the best way. The whole point is to create a lifestyle you can live with.

  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Thanks for the support:smile: I get a little frustrated with myself every now and then. I know the weight didn't just magically appear and that it is going to take time to get back to the real me. Slow and steady wins the race:smile:
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I think you have a great attitude. You are being honest with yourself and at least by being honest with yourself, you know what needs to change or what doesn't etc.

    My diary is set to friends only at the moment and I can relate to the concern of others judging me. Luckily, everyone has been nice so far but it does worry me. Your diary is for you so use it so that it works for you!

    Good luck :) x
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    You have to decide what you hate more. Being fat and out of shape, or exercising.

    Your actions will reveal what you indeed hate more.

    Good luck.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I understand. I don't live near a gym and my treadmill gets boring! I go through phases where I don't exercise for months! But, I'm extra careful with my calories when I'm not exercising. It's all about figuring out what works for you.

    I love carbs as well and don't buy wheat pasta but I buy wheat bread...and sara lee makes a low cal bread. I'm not sure if it comes in white or not though. It may take awhile to find your groove, but you can do it!!

    Oh...if you're a cracker/cookie kind of person...would it work to buy like the 100 calorie snack packs? You could get your carbs in snacks without going over? My problem is I like to eat the whole sleeve or box and thats no good.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I started about the same as you. Over the past year I have tried the 1200 calorie route, I have tried changing the types of food I eat throughout the day, and now, I am finally consistently adding exercise and upping my overall activity level. I am finally logging most days, and I am starting to keep control of my intake on the weekends too. I haven't had much weight loss, but I am now seeing some huge changes in my body. My BF% is going down and I am looking better. I know the weight will come. I am comfortable now and enjoy what I am doing. You'll find what you need to do. Just keep going. Each day is a new day and you just learn from your mistakes from yesterday and keep going, don't let it stop you.
  • sailorsiren13
    I agree with everything you said and if your going to stick with it then you change one thing at a time. Feel free to friend me i don't judge for open or closed diaries or having an off day each person is on their own journey. I started off 12 years ago buying ground turkey instead of ground beef. We make one small change at a time. It works for us. Good luck to you.
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member

    No one ever said that you had to go to the gym for your exercise :-) If being outside and doing yard work is your thing.. then keep doing it! You can always incorporate some of the traditional work out stuff in (bicep curls with a watering bucket.. or lunges with a bag of mulch...I know it sounds crazy but it's your "workout")

    I think diet is the hardest for a lot of people. Some of us have portion control challenges or food choice challenges. I know that not buying something is what works best for me. I don't keep chips/sweets at home because I can eat those in one sitting. Instead, I keep them at work.. away from my desk. I count out the portion and walk away. I don't like fast food since I know it's not worth the calories and I'm still starving afterwards... so it's not worth it to me.

    My family is overweight.. and the not "healthy" overweight.. the breathing problems, diabetes, etc and that is my motivation to stay on track. I don't want to be like them..

    Lastly - create little goals for yourself. Not just the "eat healthy" but perhaps something that you can work towards... walking a 5k.. hiking up something that you couldn't do before... etc
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    The best advice I was ever given was "attainable goals." Looking at all 50lbs I have to lose, how horrible I look in a bikini, how tired I am all the time, the crap I love to eat... its ALL so overwhelmingly. How can I possibly do this?!!?
    One small goal at a time. 1. Start looking at the fat, cals, carbs I was actually eating, and WAKE up (knowledge is power). I'm on #2 now- start walking/ jogging/something to get stronger.
    Set your own small goals & when you realize its not that hard to change these things- you'll be unstoppable!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Most people who hate exercising either are really bad at it, don't know how to do it, or had a bad experience with it. While doing chores around the house can help with activity, there's really not any chore that can stress the heart and muscle like "traditional" exercise can do. Yes weight loss is important, but being fit is more important to overall health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't go to a gym, but have to exercise if I want to eat my carbs (mainly chocolate and cake) I walk and then I found zumba (dance/exercise to lati american type music and its great if you can find something that gets your heart rate up that you enjoy go for it... you don't need machines to get fit .