back on it again!!

been struggling the past week with staying focused on eating properly, and this has resulted in pizza, kfc and takeaways. today i start afresh. i weigh in on sunday and didnt weigh in this week as i wanted to pull it back again before i weighed myself as i thought if i put on i would completely demotivated. today has been good so far, my protein shake for my breakfast (doing this as i usually dont eat breakfast so at least i get something when i take my protein) and vegetable tikka for lunch! gotta just get through today and i know then ill be back to my good old self again!! must get another stone and a half off by the start of july!!


  • DoveyDiabolique
    DoveyDiabolique Posts: 3 Member
    You will do just fine!!!! I've been a bit slack, myself...birthday week!!!! Ugh!!!
    However, just stay focused and don't beat yourself up over it!!!!! Cheers!!!