Tough Mudder/Mud Run

I am doing the Tough Mudder in 2 weeks. I was hoping someone could provide some tips or things you wish you knew before hand. What can i expect? How hard is it, just trying to get my head around it.

I've done a mud run before but the Tough Mudder is much bigger then the mud run that i did.

Thank you in advance.


  • I did the Tough Mudder Tri-State last year (Englishtown, NJ). You're right, this is no casual mud run.

    I'm in pretty good shape and it was easily the hardest thing I have done to date. It was 34 degrees at our 8:00 AM start. Freezing water, killer obstacles, not only a physical challenge but mentally, too. My muscles literally stopped working during it a few times. If I ever do another one the shocker will be harder for me to overcome (ignorance was bliss until I got zapped in the face twice).

    Work as team and don't give up. I hope you have a good weather day.

    How many people are on your team and which one are you running?
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 654 Member
    I did the Tough Mudder Tri-State last year (Englishtown, NJ). You're right, this is no casual mud run.

    I'm in pretty good shape and it was easily the hardest thing I have done to date. It was 34 degrees at our 8:00 AM start. Freezing water, killer obstacles, not only a physical challenge but mentally, too. My muscles literally stopped working during it a few times. If I ever do another one the shocker will be harder for me to overcome (ignorance was bliss until I got zapped in the face twice).

    Work as team and don't give up. I hope you have a good weather day.

    How many people are on your team and which one are you running?

    Great.. :(

    Well, my team is small -- 2 people, but hoping to join up with a larger team on race day, Tough Mudder people said it would be ok. I hope it's ok.

    We are doing the PA one on April 28th
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    do they all have the shocker? You will have to let us know how it goes, especially with two people. :-) good luck to you. I cant wait for my first one
  • BMcLeodTeam
    BMcLeodTeam Posts: 15 Member
    I agree, definitely keep us updated on how it goes! I'm not running it until 2013 so loving getting the opportunity to read people's accounts of doing it this year :)
  • Nice! You may have some more hills to deal with than we did but it probably won't be nearly as cold. Don't get psych'd It's tough but you can do it and you'll feel like a million bucks when you cross the finish and earn your orange headband!

    Even if you can't join a larger team a two-person team is good. We had thirteen on ours but we each had at least one partner. Other mudders can and are willing to always help out on obstacles. Even we needed help on some.

    Depending on the weather, wear compression shirt/pants underneath. Ours was cold (November) but yours may be warmer. I wore vibram five finger shoes but these aren't for everyone. I also wore mechanic gloves. You can take them off for the monkey bars, etc.

    One other thing I highly recommend, and please stress this to your teammate, is to take your time on the obstacles and make sure you have a good grip/footing. You can really get hurt bad and I saw people doing it (broken arms, ankles, etc) if you fall or slip. Be safe out there.

    Have a great time doing it! Welcome to the club! :)
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 654 Member
    Nice! You may have some more hills to deal with than we did but it probably won't be nearly as cold. Don't get psych'd It's tough but you can do it and you'll feel like a million bucks when you cross the finish and earn your orange headband!

    Even if you can't join a larger team a two-person team is good. We had thirteen on ours but we each had at least one partner. Other mudders can and are willing to always help out on obstacles. Even we needed help on some.

    Depending on the weather, wear compression shirt/pants underneath. Ours was cold (November) but yours may be warmer. I wore vibram five finger shoes but these aren't for everyone. I also wore mechanic gloves. You can take them off for the monkey bars, etc.

    One other thing I highly recommend, and please stress this to your teammate, is to take your time on the obstacles and make sure you have a good grip/footing. You can really get hurt bad and I saw people doing it (broken arms, ankles, etc) if you fall or slip. Be safe out there.

    Have a great time doing it! Welcome to the club! :)

    Thank you....

    I promise to keep everyone posted and provide a full race report.
  • do they all have the shocker? You will have to let us know how it goes, especially with two people. :-) good luck to you. I cant wait for my first one

    As far as I know, they all do. It was called Electroshock Therapy when I ran and was the final obstacle before the finish. You run through a bunch of wires. Some are charged; some not. It hurt so bad my face was twitching! I've never been hit by a stun gun, but that must be what it feels like.
  • smartin9912
    smartin9912 Posts: 43 Member
    I just did the Tough Mudder -Dallas, it was a great experience! You need to be in fairlydescent shape this is no walk in the park :) If you have a team work as a team if not there are a lot of people on the course and no one gets left behind. Have a blast, take advantage of all the water stations, and what they provide dont pass up anything especially the gummy bears or the salt. Get there early so you can enjoy the event and everything thats going on. :smile:
  • lokin4deer
    lokin4deer Posts: 44 Member
    Good Luck!! this is on my list to do for sure. I figure next year I am not so sure I will be in good enough shape by the Oct one in MO. If you "like them on facebook you will see lots of pics. Good luck and let us know how you do!!
  • 2wiceOver
    2wiceOver Posts: 38
    Looks like so much fun. I wish I was in shape enough to do it. Maybe some day.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Ok. Those of you who've done this this year: on the ropes, are there knots in the ropes or not? I'm doing the Minnesota event 4 weeks from today. Totally psyched, and I WILL get to the top of the rope, I just need to know which it is for the practice. Thx in advance.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    do they all have the shocker? You will have to let us know how it goes, especially with two people. :-) good luck to you. I cant wait for my first one

    As far as I know, they all do. It was called Electroshock Therapy

    Yeah, "the shocker" would be something different entirely, wouldn't it?
    (sorry couldn't resist)