The Final Meltdown 8.27.09

Morning my friends,

Just realised I havent' checked in all week. No time to really write anything now. Will try to log in later.

Work is killing me, and I am miserable, missing my DH.

Have a wonderful day friends!


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    lleanak - I can only imagine how hard it is to be away from your hubby - sending you a hug!:smooched:

    smadag-hope your day is better today and the guys at work just mind their own business!

    Looks like we've all been crazy recently-I have to get back to some online training:yawn: - it's so boring!:frown:

    Stuck again this week - trying to figure out my schedule - I have been taking my strength class on Monday and Thursday but my son's football games are on thursday now and I've had to pick him up from practice....Gotta really focus - I will not go backwards....I'll work it in somewhere - since I can't make it to the class tonight, I'm gonna do biggest loser sculpt today levels 1 - 3 .....of course I have to find the remote first:noway: I'll find someway to get a workout in....last night I cooked dinner (didn't eat) went and used elliptical for 30 minutes then came home and ate, washed dishes, laundry....thinking back on it - where was all my help?!?!??!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin ladies
    lleanak sorry you miss your DH I know tha feeling mine is a truck driver sending you :smooched:

    Chrissy I kow you will find time to do something even if you run at lunch.
    I will not listen to anything the guys at work have to say they just don't understand.
    I am going to clean one of our spare rooms so I can use it to do my workout dvd's since the one I was using is now full of weights, I am also hoping to start some kind of Tae Bo this weekend just to change things up and try something new:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    OMG!!!! and I'll say it again....OMG...since I am so limited on time today I pulled out the 30 day shred - haven't done it in months - thought I've been working out should be fine to do level 3 - my legs are shaking and I can't hardly type - I did level 3 but I had forgotten how had of a workout that is - so if you are limited - check it out - I have a feeling it will be a staple workout for me on football/tennis days for the kids.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    When I was doing it I never made it to that level. Guess I will have to clean the dust off that one and try again:laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    When I was doing it I never made it to that level. Guess I will have to clean the dust off that one and try again:laugh:

    My muscles are burning-I really pushed myself with the jumping - thinking I was wonder woman or something - gotta love a good challenge! Who knows maybe that's just what I needed to get things going - just doing something new and challenging.....dust that baby off.....gotta love how short it it too! I saw someone one time posted on that they did all three levels - there's no way I could have after that....yet....
  • diverwayne0115
    I'll probably be walking in the Birmingham (Alabama) Race for the Cure...since I haven't worked out in about a year....

    How do you get the motivation back to start working out. I leave work and I'm dead tired (which may be why I'm getting a sleep study done in a couple of weeks :yawn: ) and all I want to do is feed the cat and get to bed!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Once I getr my other room cleaned out I am going to get back into it.I wish I knew about the race in B'ham I would love to do that one too since I already did one this year
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I'll probably be walking in the Birmingham (Alabama) Race for the Cure...since I haven't worked out in about a year....

    How do you get the motivation back to start working out. I leave work and I'm dead tired (which may be why I'm getting a sleep study done in a couple of weeks :yawn: ) and all I want to do is feed the cat and get to bed!!

    start small - go for a relaxing 20 minute walk - after a few times make it a faster pace walk - just build gradually and you'll enjoy it while you do....

    go to and you can get the info on any of their races....I cannot wait!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    One year I would love to do the 3 day walk but I think the closest one to me is Georgia and I would not have anyone to do it with. I think next year I might do both th eIowa race and the B'ham one:happy:
  • diverwayne0115
    One year I would love to do the 3 day walk but I think the closest one to me is Georgia and I would not have anyone to do it with. I think next year I might do both th eIowa race and the B'ham one:happy:

    The Birmingham (Alabama) Race for the Cure is October 10th.