need a partner

Hello my name is Tammie. I'm new to this site and looking for a partner to workout with. I have been steadying gaining wt this year. I have put on about 10-15 lbs. I have always find it to be more helpful to have a partner to workout with. If your in the South Tampa Fl area lets talk. We can plan it out and get it done together. :happy:


  • hollyj77
    hollyj77 Posts: 58
    Hi Tammie. I just joined and so ready to lose this weight! I live in Brandon and have a Lifestyles membership but never go! I know....sad! I just keep gaining weight and not sticking to a healthy diet/exercise plan..... I need to lose 30 lbs. Where exactly do you live? Maybe we can work something out! :happy:

  • classy71
    Hi Holly I live in South Tpa near the Macdill Air Force base I workout / run at lunch time for 1 hr M,T and T so looking for a partner on W and Friday.
  • hollyj77
    hollyj77 Posts: 58
    I think that is too far between us.

    I hope you find one!
  • classy71
    Thanks and good luck