Need a push and some buddies :)

Hi! Here's a little about me. I am 27 (soon to be 28 next month). I am married to my prince charming and have 3 kids (2 girls and 1 boy). Our son has childhood epilepsy so he keeps me pretty stressed out. My husband and kids love me just the way I am. The problem is, I dont love me. I hate the mirror, I hate my closet, I love to shop but hate it at the same time. I currently weigh 197 but would like to weigh between 130-140. We are planning a huge summer roadtrip vacation next year (Disney is our first stop along with a day at the ocean) and I would love to be at my goal weight. I've always wanted to wear the cute little bikins and have never been able to. I know deep down I have it in me to do this but I have no willpower what so ever. I have bought 30 day shred (haven't started it yet) and my husband and I walk a few miles at night (most nights anyway). I have a ridiculous bad sweet tooth and a taste for anything salty. I havent been to a doctor since I had my son but during my last 2 pregnancies I had higher blood pressure. I am miserable and just need some encouragement. I am ready to do this, Im tired of hating myself. Add me as a friend if you would like. Thanks and God Bless

*No measurements yet, gonna have the hubby take them later*


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Just sent a request
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    Hey there, add me if you wish ..have a fantastic day
  • x_Shruti_x
    x_Shruti_x Posts: 21 Member
    I know what you mean about needing the will power!
    You seem so driven and I admire that! Good luck!
  • cinnamon8
    you can send me a request
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    Good Luck on your journey... we all need support, feel free to add me.....
  • Lisammy
    Lisammy Posts: 35
    Add me if you like. I just started the 30 day SHRED last Thurs. Had to take a couple days off though, I could barely go up and down my stairs. My quads were screaming! Jillian is tough! I started back up today w/ level 1. I hope tomorrow I am not as sore. I did some pilates and stretching afterwards, I think that will help.
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    You can do it! You have plenty of time to get to your goal weight. The hardest thing is starting! I started by cutting back on snacks in the evening. After I started to see changes on the scale I was really encouraged to cut out more snack foods. That helped even more! Then I started to exercise, that makes a huge difference. By the way I am 57 and never exercised in my life! I started at 294 and now I'm at 205! It gets easier all the time. I use exercise DVD's. My 22 year old daughter lost about 60 pounds over a couple of yearsdoing the same type of thing. She eats healthy most of the time with an occasional goodie. I am sure you can do it, just start easy and when you start to see results it will spur you on! Good luck!
  • dinalynn70
    dinalynn70 Posts: 2 Member
    I always need more encouragement as well so feel free to add me as well. I have no buddies added to my profile because
    I didn't want to publish when I get off track but lets face it, thats life. The more encouragement the better, right!?!:bigsmile:
  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    stay with us here and you CAN DO IT!! :)
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Hop aboard!!

    We are all here for the same reason!! The key thing is... "only you know" if you are please tell us!! There are so many wonderful people here who want to encourage and support each other along our individual journeys. I say individual journeys is not a race. A race is competition with another. But a journey is something that can be shared with others as you travel from here to there (aka...from one state of health to another.... from the couch to the treadmill....from a fast food grab and go snacker to a healthy eater... from a not so active family to an active family )

    you can do this..!!! Four simple empowering words to remember " I am worth it !" you are, I am....we all are!

    All the best

    after reading my profile, if you would may add me! (I put that because so many people just add and add and add...rather than think..".if this is the type of person who can encourage me and can I encourage them...)