How Do You Motivate Yourself in the Morning?

I would love to be a morning workout person. Getting it done before I start my day has so many advantages for me, but I just love my sleep a little too much. What do you do to get yourself out of bed in the morning and just get it done?


  • BMcLeodTeam
    BMcLeodTeam Posts: 15 Member
    I had a hard time trying to talk myself into it, or trying to convince myself... what I ended up having to do was just saying I AM going to do it, making it not an option. I also told people that I respect and trust (including my fiance and a couple coworkers) and so they hold me accountable, asking when I get to work each morning if I did.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I'm motivated by just life in general. Being progressive and setting trends. Taking excellence to a level beyond what most people even thought about doing. Always trying to be the one who's done it the best, the fastest. Being that guy who makes your super ego question 'WTF is HE doing that IM not?!'.

    That's what wakes me up in the morning.

    All this stuff, all these things, all those accomplishments...In my name only. Self made, don't need no body for ****.
  • Osulindsay21
    Osulindsay21 Posts: 48 Member
    After 2 months of setting my alarm extra early and hitting the snooze button every 15 minutes, I decided to just get up and do it! It's not like I'm getting any good sleep doing that anyways. Everytime I'd hit snooze, I'd start thinking about how I felt guilty for not just getting up. Today was my first time and it felt awesome. I haven't yawned once today :)
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I would like to say I am motivated because of a weight loss goal, and that is part of it. But really my cat hears my alarm and won't leave me alone until I feed him. I get up to feed him and then, well I'm up.
  • ChristySeeksBalance
    ChristySeeksBalance Posts: 43 Member
    It may sound silly, but with me it just has to be non-negotiable. If I leave any room for skipping it and snoozing a little longer, I'll pick sleep every.single.time. So I committed. I have to do it. With that committment, comes wanting it to suck as little as possible. I find that I'm more willing to go to bed at a decent hour, because I know I'll make myself get up and exercise anyway, and it will suck less if I've had enough sleep. When the alarm goes off, I know that if I hit snooze twice, I'll be running late and I won't have time to do my hair so I'll have to go to work looking like a troll. So I (usually) only snooze once. Every morning I roll out of bed dreading it, and every morning I feel so much better once I'm done.

    I've also found *what* I'm doing early in the morning can greatly affect my ability to stick to doing it. I'm not a morning person. I'd love to be able to jump out of bed with enthusiasm and do some kick-*kitten* cardio to start my day. That's never going to happen. So instead I do yoga. It starts me out slowly, wakes me up and gets me ready for my day, both mentally and physically.
  • smexyaddie
    This might sound weird but i just jiggle till i feel like i can get up from my bed cause to me when i jiggle while in bed , i feel like i'm doing some weird workout. Works for me though :))
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    I don't have the option of hitting a snooze button because I have 5 kids to get up and get off to school. If I laze in bed, they are going to go to school looking like orphans and I'll have to get up to take them anyways. When I get out of bed, I walk over to my mirror and check myself out. I am loving the changes I am seeing! I know if I don't do anything, I will go back to the old body and I don't want that, ever.