Pity party

neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am bummed today because my scale went up - about half a pound - instead of down. :sad:

I have been eating clean and working out consistently. I do have occasional small "cheats" of non-clean food but I stay within my net calorie limit. If anything I may be eating too few calories although I try to fit them all in. Overall my weight is down but it is creeping so slowly!!! Not at the rate that MFP says it should be. :wink:

I know I am just getting over my TOM and probaby retaining water. But boy did I want to see a lower number.

I have only been really dedicated to this for a couple of weeks. So maybe I just need more time for my body to adjust and then the weight will start falling off?? Or maybe I will never be able to lose it! :huh:

I think I am addicted to my scale. I tell myself I will have once a week weigh-ins but I weigh myself pretty much every morning. I know I am doing this for my health more than for my weight, but I do have a goal of weighing 125 by my 29th birthday in about 3 months, and I don't seem to be getting there. I do feel great, lots of energy, my clothes feel better, I think I *look* thinner, my boyfriend thinks I look/feel thinner, I am proud of myself for giving up junk like sugar and alcohol, I have even lost a lot of inches. So why does that number on the scale matter so much?!?!?!?

I think no matter where I moved my scale, I would still find a way to step on it every morning. I am seriously thinking of having my boyfriend hide it from me and only bringing it out on once-a-week weigh-in days!!!


  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229

    I know I am just getting over my TOM and probaby retaining water. But boy did I want to see a lower number.

    I think that says it all. give it a day or two I bet it will come down.
  • Gurl... let the scale go... it wil mess you up.. remember you body will change over time. Just have faith in yourself and keep moving forward. and LET THE SCALE GO... and just weigh once a week first thing in the morning in you birthday suit... you will get a more accurate weight. Then stay off the scale.

    (I know what to do... I just haven't been doing it until now... and when I get down and out I sure I will need you to help me up)

    Have a better day... and keep movin foward...

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am obsessed with the scale. My husband put it away but I still take it out every day and weigh. For me its a gauge. I really only count what it shows on Wednesday but at least I have a general idea if I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

    Just give your body time, it has it's own timeline. You will get there, it may take you a little longer than you would like but don't give up!!!

  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    when i weigh on a day that is not weigh in i am always discouraged, it always seems to be higher, then like a miracle on weigh in day i'll be down a pound! it may not be as much as MFP says but thats because everyday is different, try to stick to a day for weigh in, it will make it a lot easier to really say if the scale is going upor its just a bad day.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Okay. *deep breath*.

    That is what I do too meemaw-- I have one "official" weigh-in day but I weigh more often that that to see how I'm doing. And honestly if it's lower another day I count that as my official weight ha ha ha. So it's like, the lowest weight of the week is my "weight" for that week. That is messed up now that I think about it. :laugh:
  • jazzyjules2004
    jazzyjules2004 Posts: 34 Member
    I read somewhere that it takes about 8 weeks from the time you start eating well and exercising for your body to "catch up" with the program and start losing weight lol. I've been working out and eating (sort of) decently for about eight weeks now and I'm just starting to see the scale move. I too lost inches in my thighs and waist before losing weight. Weighing myself everyday is more discouraging to me than it is helpful.. I want something to look forward to so I weigh every Monday morning before breakfast. I'm also participating in support groups and work challenges (fortunately I work for a hospital that motivates its employees to be as healthy as possible) so try something of that sort to maybe take your mind off the scale.

    Good luck!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    That's helpful information, jazzyjules. I feel like I am being so healthy that I will eventually just shrink down to my natural weight. :laugh: But I keep waiting for the scale to show me that that's started happening and so far it hasn't. But so that I don't get discouraged I focus on the positives and I also tell myself that it takes time but eventually, if I'm consistent, it will come. So thanks for the 8-week timeline info., that helps!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ugh. You're just torturing yourself. :cry:

    I used to be obsessive about the scale. Now sometimes I forget to weigh in on my weigh in day (Saturday morning)

    I have changed my mindset from losing weight to becoming healthy. If I get healthy, the weight will come off.

    For you, of course, it's going to be more difficult because you are much closer to your goal than I am. I'm certain it gets pretty darn frustrating. I'm not trying to downplay your frustration, I'm just hoping that you don't gain any anxiety over this. You're doing the right things. The 'other goals' section of your sig file proves that you are determined.

    I support you, I just hope you can step away from that dumb scale for a while and be free.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    About a month ago my husband hid my scale. I started strength training and couldn't grasp the whole losing fat gaining muscle idea so he hid it. A month later he wanted to give it back, I said No thank u I don't need it. I was weighing everday all during the day, I was driving myself crazy.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks kurn! I just added the "other goals" section today because I really do want and enjoy the other benefits besides the weight loss.

    For a long, long time now I have been about 10 - 15 pounds overweight. So it's not enough to look "fat" but I also know it's not my body's ideal. I think my body just got used to weighing this amount and is hesitant to break through to lower numbers. You're right that I don't have tht much to lose -- 10-12 more pounds, and I guess those are the hardest. Thank you for the encouragement and advice. :heart:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I love love love my scale......i weigh everyday actually i weigh every day about 3-6 times lmao.....but u cant get discouraged about fluctuations .....heres what u do, if u weigh yourself daily.....lets say you weigh 120lbs always add 3....i say if i stay under a 3lbs fluctuation its a good thing!......because of all the water andd waste retainment our bodies fluctuate alot.....soooo alwaysss give yourself a 3lbs leeway for fluctuating if youre going to weigh everyday :flowerforyou: dont fret about half a pound that is doing awesome! and means youre right on track
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    That 8-week timeline is encouraging me to stick with this. This is week #7 for me, although after workouts mon/tues/wed I am taking a break after reading in another post about overtraining and fatigue.
    I'm going to eat healthy maintenance and rest for the next few days and jump back into it all on Monday.

    The scale finally budged during week#6 but only about 1.5lbs and I'm not noticing any difference in the tape measure or how my clothes are fitting. So frustrating!!
    My fitness level is defnitely changing which feels awesome though.

    Almost 3 weeks with no alcohol (except 1 glass of wine on day #13) and also at the end of TOM. What a slog the last 10lbs are.

    Neeterskeeter, I'm with you - hang in there!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Well, I lugged my scale into the spare bedroom and told myself to get on it only once a week. Of course I got on it before I put it away... and I am back down and then some, to 135.2! So I have lost a total of 5 pounds. I think I am going to have to trust in the process better and not freak out about fluctuations.

    Ripgirl- to me it seems like you might be gaining muscle still, since you are working out a lot and improving your fitness but your weight isn't going down too much. That happens to me too. You and I will stick it through until we're rid of these last extra pounds!!
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