
So I've had the P90x workout videos for probably a year now and have always been to afraid to start them. Well I've decided to go for it. I know I'm not going to get anywhere unless I give it my all. Does anyone have any opinions to which program I should do. I have no upper boby strength at all so I'm kinda leaning towards classic. How were the results you got from doing this program. My husband and I are hoping to start trying to have another baby in August and the doc is telling us I need to lose another 25-30lbs before we try. Could I possibly get those kind of results with this program? Any comments would be appreciated :)


  • lcxlolo
    lcxlolo Posts: 13
    Hey there!

    I recently just became a beachbody coach after seeing amazing results from doing p90x (and im only on day 30 so far!). I originally did insanity about 3 months ago but I didn't do it religiously as I am with P90x. I did the full 60 days but didn't follow the nutrition guide and saw increased endurance, but no weight lost (my own fault).

    I now am on day 30 of P90x and have been holding onto the nutrition guide like it is my bible lol. In total I have lost 2.5 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips and 6 pounds lost! I also have been drinking shakeology every day and had to order more when my trial ran out because I loved it so much! They say that shakeology aids with the digestive process and it sure did for me. I suffered with IBS for many years and this has solved it for me as well as aid in my weight lost.

    Logging my food every day has also helped me tremendously! Many dietians say that by logging your food you are more likely to lose weight and eat less than those who don't. I am not saying that I don't slip on my diet here and there (no one is perfect!) but I am saying that logging my food has helped me and made me stay on track and to keep pressing play. :)

    Starting a workout program is hard stuff and takes mental, physical, and overall will power to see the change in yourself. If you believe in yourself and can push yourself every day to do the workout even if you do not want to, you WILL see results!

    I am currently doing the P90x Classic version and it works great for me. I did my research and many say the classic version is the best version to do since it is a extremely well rounded workout.

    As a new beachbody coach, im in a group where people post their success stories and many of them have lost upwards of 30 pounds with this program amongst other beachbody workouts.

    More power to you and I wish you the best of luck! Anyone can workout for a day here and there, but it takes true will power to be the change you want to be! Im sure you can do it!

    If you have anymore questions, need help, or will be using the beachbody website - let me know and I can be your coach to help you throughout your journey!

    Hope I have been helpful!

  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did 2 rounds of classic p90x-didn't lose much weight and maintained. But did get a hell of a lot toned and more muscles for sure. My husband did the last round with me and lost 20 lbs from it-also classic form. I'm not sure what the lean entails-more cardio I'm assuming? But we had great results from classic form
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    P90X was my very first at home fitness program I ever did, and I feel in love with it. I lost a total of 8lbs, and 15 inches throughout my entire body, and I followed the classic schedule. At that time, I didn't follow the nutrition guide to a perfect tee, but I still ate pretty healthy. I love beachbody so much I also became a coach. You may want to try power90, its a step down from p90x.
  • irenelikewhoa
    I myself purchased P90x ages ago and didn't start doing it till recently. I'm currently mostly doing the kenpo Cd often simply because i do kickboxing during the week and that adds to that. If you're too scared to just jump right into it, try doing the Kenpo, Yoga or plyometrics CD.
    if you ant support feel free to add me. (Even if i dont follow the whole program to the T)

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  • WTJoyce
    WTJoyce Posts: 86
    I have cycled through P90X maybe 5 times, always the classic method. First time I lost 26 pounds. Now I just keep doing phase one over and over, and on the off days do elliptical. I love it, the workout just suits me.

    Give it a go, if you want to lose the weight you haver to count the caloris, and if you want to keep the weight off you have to keep counting the calories, but on a maintenance level.

    I am back at the weight I was after the first time through after putting it back on and taking it off twice, but this time, you guessed it, I am still counting the calories.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I understand your hesitancy about P90X...I too was hesitant, but I started it and love it! Tony Horton says "Do your best and forget the rest" and you can with this program...just do what you can, there are modifications on all the programs. Before I started, i had ZERO upper body strength...now I can do 6 chin ups without the assistance of a chair! that might not sound like much, but for me it is!!!! Give it a try, what do you have to lose???
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I went through the Classic program 3 times (although the 3rd time was customized more to my own needs at that point - with cardio at the gym, more time spent on certain strength training workouts over others, etc).

    It's a great program if you have the time and if you really push yourself to do it right. I lost about 50 pounds with P90X + Watching Calories. Be sure you're eating enough, though. Some of the workouts, such as Plyo X, really torch the cals!
  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey thanks everyone!!! I'm really excited to start this journey. My dad and I currently ride between 6-12 miles a night and jog 3-4 miles 3-4x weekly. This is definately something new to me but I'm ready to have my body back. It just basically became toddler weight I need to lose instead of baby weight :) Time to suck up and just DO IT!!!
  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Oh and feel free to add me as a friend I'd love the motivation from fellow P90Xers :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you read the beach body site, they say that the lean version is a good starting point. If you don't have much upper body strength, this might prepare you for the regular version. It's a great work out. I've been through it a couple times, and I use it now as upper body only workout. I don't do the rest of the workouts, like cardio, yoga, kenpo, ...i don't do any of that stuff.