haven't lost since March :

I need some motivation. My March goal was to get out of the 190's and April 1st I hit 189.6. Two weeks ago I weighed in at 186 and rejoiced at the loss - which brought me to a total of 25lbs down. Yay! But the next day for scale said 189 and has every day since then! I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400, some days more but at the end of the day when I complete my entry it still says I'm on track to keep losing but I'm at a stand still. I have been going over on sodium quite often too but drink tons of water. I have been doing the same or more exercise as always, perhaps even more intense than before . My Diary is open if you want to check it out. Thank you for helping!

Eta: I just looked back at weekly calorie averages and have gone over my weekly goal by 2000+ each week this month, but I had several weeks like that in March too and still had good losses :-/


  • huckabeebug
    huckabeebug Posts: 41 Member
    dont weigh everyday. I did that for about two weeks, before starting mfp. I didnt go up and didnt go down. Just work your very best for like 2-3 days. Lots of water and then get on. And see if u lost any. This helped me.
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I know I shouldn't weigh every day but even if I was weighing only a couple times a week I'd be having this issue, it has seriously said 189 for over a week...
  • skinnylcs
    skinnylcs Posts: 11 Member
    I have to agree - if you weigh yourself every day you are going to drive yourself crazy for sure. I used to do the same thing so I had to put my scale out of sight. I don't think we can always rely on the scale. I've gotten better (although starting MFP for now the 3rd time this week) and weigh myself once a week and I'm planning on doing body measurements once a month.
    It looks like you've come a long way so far (congrats on 25lbs gone) & I think we just all get frustrated when the scale stops moving - we, once again, start beating ourselves up.
    Maybe look to introduce different foods and exercise - just a thought :wink: :smile:
  • Nimbkar
    Nimbkar Posts: 63 Member
    Tape measure instead of weighing in.
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    Tape measure instead of weighing in.

    How often can you see a difference that way? I'm always nervous that I'm pulling to tight or not right enough, or measuring the wrong spot...
  • Chill, baby. You're making a lifestyle change. :wink:
  • janinebudgell
    janinebudgell Posts: 44 Member
    I agree Kelli! use a measuring tape... I have only lost 1-3 lbs since Feb 20th, 2012 but I have lost 4.5 inches from my body so far... measure :) The scale wiill make you crazy! Its been driving me BONKERS!!
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    Adjust your diet a bit, lower sodium and carbs, increase protein, take in lots of water, eat every 2-3 hrs a complete meal, complex carb, lean protein, and veggies, eliminate sugars and processed foods (incl sauces and condiments). Check in two weeks time.
  • niksinnotts
    niksinnotts Posts: 62 Member
    its only natural that your weight hits a standstill every now and then, don't worry too much. maybe a change in your exercise routine could kick start things again.:smile:
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 42 Member
    I am in the same situtaion couple of weeks ago I was at 186 for the last 2 weeks I have been stuck at 189. I am going to put the scale up and just work hard and change some of my eating habits. I measured myself over the weekend so I will do it again in 30 days.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    i recently had this experience as well. then work got kind of crazy for me and i wasn't able to exercise for a few days, i stayed within my caloric range, had very low sodium intake, and lo and behold: i weighed in for the first time today, and was down over 3 lbs. from 5 days ago (at a weight i had been at for weeks)
    so maybe your body needs a little break too?
    it sounds like you know your sodium could be lower and your calories could be lower, so maybe take a couple days to recover from all the exercise you've been doing, go back to eating the way you planned to eat calorically and sodium-wise, and then see how it goes?
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    i recently had this experience as well. then work got kind of crazy for me and i wasn't able to exercise for a few days, i stayed within my caloric range, had very low sodium intake, and lo and behold: i weighed in for the first time today, and was down over 3 lbs. from 5 days ago (at a weight i had been at for weeks)
    so maybe your body needs a little break too?
    it sounds like you know your sodium could be lower and your calories could be lower, so maybe take a couple days to recover from all the exercise you've been doing, go back to eating the way you planned to eat calorically and sodium-wise, and then see how it goes?

    yeah....maybe I should chill on the exercise. I tend to be hungrier on big exercise days. I'm thinking I need to bite the bullet and get a HRM because I pretty much eat every exercise calorie that I earn and perhaps I am over doing it there (plus still going over in addition to that). Maybe I will skip everything except walking with the kids in the stroller until my HRM arrives in the mail...
  • OmegaSkye
    OmegaSkye Posts: 16
    You could also be gaining muscle. This happened to me in high school when I was trying to lose weight for prom. I hit about 10 pounds above my goal and just sat there--and then GAINED weight. What I didn't realize was that while I was losing fat, I was gaining muscle, so the scale wasn't really telling me the whole story. Measuring tape is best, like the others here said. Use it in conjunction with the scale. :3
  • Nimbkar
    Nimbkar Posts: 63 Member
    Ok , Here is the trick I use. I suck it in as much as I can :-) then measure around the belly button.
    Every 2 weeks.
    Always been happy with the results. :-)
    Good luck ! Don't let the scale get you down !
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    Suck it in, eh? I like it!

    Ok , Here is the trick I use. I suck it in as much as I can :-) then measure around the belly button.
    Every 2 weeks.
    Always been happy with the results. :-)
    Good luck ! Don't let the scale get you down !
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    just checking in to see how your plateau is going since last week!
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    stop eating more than youre supposed to- maybe try not eating workout calories. i found i lost more and more steadily when i just ate between 1300-1600 calories and kept my workout burns as burns. you also might need to switch up your exercise- SPEAKING of which, do you use a heart rate monitor to get your burns? because sometimes the machines at the gym and MFP's calculations are wrong and you might be eating more than youre burning. all of this plus going over your calories is probably why youre having a hard time.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    From what I can tell, you started about 2 weeks before me, and you have lost more than I have. I also have more to lose than you do...so why are you complaining?
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    IMHO I do best eating high protein and low sodium (lots of same foods on the database from different manufacturers have different sodium amount)

    I find eating high protein with a low carbs (fruit/veg) for 4 days then have 1 day high carb with a little protein helps me keep going on a slow but steady weight loss.

    Good luck
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    Why do people feel the need to comment if they are going to be rude? *Sigh*
    Anyway, thanks for checking in on me, not sure what was going on exactly but last week I cut out a lot of carbs and stayed under or much closer to goal and am down to 185 so hit the 26lb lost mark. It''s my TOTM too so maybe it's even better. Thanks for the support!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.

    thanks for that:)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.

    thanks for that:)

    You are welcome.

    One thing to always bear in mind - 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. If you did not eat above your TDEE (total calores out) you will not gain fat - but you can gain water weight, which women can be very sensitive to. It often masks actual weight loss - which it seems to have done with you as it seems that you have recently lost the weight again - and a bit more on top. Water weight can be affected by, among other things, exercise, sodium and TOM. Do not get too worried unless the gain/stall lasts more than a couple of weeks.