Ladies....any suggestions for horrible cramps?!

Just wondering what any of you unfortunate women do about severe menstrual cramps out there. What foods do you avoid or do you consume more of? What type of exercise is best? Any medication you'd recommend....I've always kind of winged it & nothing I do seems to really help.....


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Have you tried reflexology? I suffered with terrible cramps and found a pressure point routine that i could do myself helped somewhat. You have to find what exercise works best for you. Some people say there are teas that help. But most important is to see your doctor if you haven't done that. Your cramps may have a cause. Mine did, and eventually I had surgery. Good luck!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    contraceptive injections = no periods :-)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Calcium and moderate exercise, as well as birth control pills have been shown to help. Talk to your doctor
  • BMcLeodTeam
    BMcLeodTeam Posts: 15 Member
    Heating pads are my lifeline! I have one at home and one at work.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    Though I, thankfully, no longer have to deal with this problem, I recall something my gynecologist told me years ago that helped the horrible cramping I endured each month: She said to take one to three Ibuprofen a day (spaced out...not all at one time) on the three days BEFORE my period. From what I recall, she said the Ibuprofen helped to suppress the production of prostaglandins, the hormone-like chemical responsible for cramping. If there's no prostaglandin build-up, there's no pain! The Ibuprofen MUST be taken before your period to be effective. If you wait until after your period starts, the prostaglandins are already present and the only benefit you'll have is mild pain relief.

    Hope this helps you! : )