Turning 40 have you motivated?



  • Shei0307
    Shei0307 Posts: 61
    yes, turning 40 (turned 40 last month) has been my main motivating factor aside from the fact that I hate my reflection in the mirror and how bad i let myself go. Now , i've been bitten by the exercise bug and proud about my life style change and slowly seeing the results, hope to keep it up! :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    It was a couple of weeks after my 39th birthday that I sat down with my wife and said "I turn 40 next year, I need to do something now before it is too late" and that is one of the best decisions of my life! God bless!
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    40 is my next milestone. Tomorrow I turn 37 but thinking ahead already and staying focus on keeping myself in tip top shape so that 40 is just another number.
  • LAfromPA
    LAfromPA Posts: 2 Member
    I turn the big 4-0 in July and also have a 20th wedding anniversary party next February. Besides my health, I need to go gown shopping and drop 40 pounds.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    It would, but I've been 27 for 11 years and I like it here.
  • It has. I turn 40 in July. I started this journey at the end of July 2011. It isn't my biggest motivator, but it certainly is one. I've spent the last 20 years of my life overweight and I have lived a pretty good life despite that, but it could have been lived fuller, healthier and probably a bit happier had I done this back in the day. So, I am not going to regret the next 20 years...and I want to get there as intact as I can.

    At 30, i weighed approximately 30 or more lbs than I do now
    At 20, I weighed approximately what I do today..maybe up to 15 lbs less (I didn't weigh myself from about 18 to 23 so I don't know for sure) Even if I weighed less, i am certainly fitter than I was at 20.

    I won't hit my goal weight by the time I turn 40, but I will be well on my way to a better future. My goal weight (which I will hit before I am 41) is what I weighed when I graduated from high school.
  • mygrlz02
    mygrlz02 Posts: 32
    Loved reading all the responses to this post. I just started this journey and haven't been so fired up about it until I joined MFP. Have made several very positive and motivating friends and have lots of room for more!! I don't have much advice since I'm a newbie but can cheer you on. Add me! :bigsmile:
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    I turned 41 in December but it wasn't my age that prompted me to get off my big butt. Sadly, my mind still thinks I'm in my 30's and in some cases, 20's but my body (metabolism) truly is in it's 40's.

    I SOOOOOOOOO wish I'd had the motivation/desire to do this 10-20 years ago!
    Oh I hear ya there, I feel the same way, I feel like I'm in my 20's most of the time but when I started to just a little run out of breath damn it was time to get moving and getting healthy and extra active! I'll be 40 in December too!