Ladies 5'7 who where in the 170's and

Gone from around 175lbs to 135lbs how many calories did you eat? I started at 1200 but read all this info. about not eating under my BMR and this and that so I got scared because my BMR is 1510-1650 depending on where I am looking so I upped my calories to 1400 a day with a max of 80carbs (Im not low carbing just watching my intake of pasta, bread and such)

Sooo confused!! I feel fool and satisfied at 1400 cals unless I'm trying to budget in alcohol I dont struggle at all. I could use a bit more protein but other than that Im fine.. whats your advice??


  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I started at 212 and currently at down to 155 but gained some so now measuring portions again. I eat 1200 calories plus my exercise calories. So usually I consume about 1650 or so. Don't feel like a fool it is a process and every day a learnign experience. Best to you on your journey.
  • 2012Sonya
    2012Sonya Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'7 and around goal is 145. I try to stay below 1400 to lose....maintaining I can increase it some but rarely go over 2000 a day....except the occasional
  • I wasn't ever 170, but after looking at your diary
    try to eat more protein! :happy:
    I am 5'7" and I eat around 2500 calories. I have a bodymedia and most days I burn around 3300. Give or take on the days I exercise.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I didn't start at 170, I was at 167.
    My goal is 130

    I was at 1200 cals (2lb/week) and I upped it last night to 1340 cals (1lb/week) since I've been having issues (not weightloss isues just stress & overeating so I figured up the cals and lower the pressure). I've had just over 1200 so far today (it's 6:56 pm and I've been up since 5am) and I'm stuffed.

    I'm over my carbs if I look at the number before my exercise cals but I eat a lot of fruit and veggies so if you're like I am, 80g might be too low for carbs for you. I totally get watching the pasta/bread intake, I'm doing the same haha

    What you're doing seems to work for you, you've lost 32 pounds according to your ticker...
    If you're stuffed at 1400 cals, stick with that for awhile and then up it more?
    And work out so you can budget in your booze lol
  • I weigh 173 now and eat around 1300 calories a day. I use to weigh 183 so I lost 10 LBS so far. If your not struggling with the calorie intake you are on I would probley stay at that range. How do you feel? If your not tired and you have lots of energy then maybe your body is fine at that calorie level. I'm no expert but I have found that when I eat less and move around more I loose weight, what a concept. Congratulations on all the weight you have lost, I want to get down to 140 but 135 would be ideal!! :) Keep up the life style change!
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    Im 5'7 and was 164lb a month ago (not sure what I am now)

    My lowest was 138 and i was eating 1200cals a day then..i hit a brick wall and didn't loose anything for weeks - when i upped my calories to 1400 i lost weight again.... now i'm between 800cals and 1300cals and feel full most days - have a lot of stress at the moment so putting low eating down to that!!! but going to up my calories If i haven't lost weight this week!!!

    My tracker is on 1300 i think... but i try to stay around the 1200 mark.

    Hope that helps!
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    I weigh 173 now and eat around 1300 calories a day. I use to weigh 183 so I lost 10 LBS so far. If your not struggling with the calorie intake you are on I would probley stay at that range. How do you feel? If your not tired and you have lots of energy then maybe your body is fine at that calorie level. I'm no expert but I have found that when I eat less and move around more I loose weight, what a concept. Congratulations on all the weight you have lost, I want to get down to 140 but 135 would be ideal!! :) Keep up the life style change!

    Thanks everyone!! When I say im satisfied at 1400 I mean I dont ever feel starving.. something I often struggle with is fatigue however I have kind of chalked that up to my body getting used to the lower carb intake.. Hmm I dont know all these numbers have my head spinning!!