Are treats in moderation really ok???

nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
Hey Everyone...
I am trying to tone up my body, especially my tummy area and maybe also lose a few pounds. I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are as far as sugar and treats go???? Is a little bit in moderation ok (I can be pretty self disciplined) if I'm within my calorie limit or do you think I should try and cut them out altogether? I've been working out for about 2 months and just started P90X this week. I have only lost about a pound these last few months but I have lost about 3 inches in my waist. So do I continue to have my healthy version of treats in moderation or cut them out?

Just wanted to hear other's thoughts on this! thanks.


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you can eat them in moderation, then I think the occasional treat is fine. Sugar is a big enemy to successful weight loss, but once in a while won't kill ya.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I am incapable of eating sugar in moderation. :laugh: :laugh: I have spent the last seven months fine tuning an eating plan that is nutrition dense with the most nutrition for the fewest calories. It has been working for me. If you can eat "treats" in moderation and you're losing weight the way you want to, then keep on doing it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Of course they're fine in moderation!
  • twilight1542
    If you can do it in moderation I say go for it! That's what I have been doing & have lost 35 lbs in 3 months :)
  • floresjessica
    floresjessica Posts: 13 Member
    When I had my most successful weight loss, I would have one fun-size candy bar every day after lunch. Since I wasn't completely depriving myself, I didn't overindulge. :smile:
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Anytime i want a treat and don't let myself have one i TOTALLY binge later, then it is soooo not worth it! I say if you really want a treat have one! I have a huge sweet tooth, but if i limit myself, and know i can have another tomorrow, i can usually do well!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Yes, I'd say moderation & discipline are the keys!
    If you can eat a few sweets on occasion without going nutz,
    then that will help you not feel deprived. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    However like barbiecat, I don't do so well with that theory! :grumble: :noway:
    I get a little taste of something and that works for awhile.........
    Then I want more & more & more, uh-huh! :bigsmile: :sad:

    I also notice that sweets, wheat & dairy affects my belly fat = more! :explode: :grumble: :noway:
    Even though calories are within limits, the TYPE of food makes a big difference in the body.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Moderation and discipline ARE key. If you're planning to do this for the rest of your life, do you think you can realistically say "I'm never going to eat another piece of chocolate, cookie, cake, pie, sweet, candy, etc for as long as I live." If you can say that, you're a liar, or a saint.

    So the best thing to do is not cut anything out - enjoy the occasional treat. Just don't gorge on them. You don't have to have 2 cookies, one will give you a taste if you nibble. You don't have to have the biggest piece of cake. Watch serving sizes and most importantly try to keep track of what you're eating.

    If you don't cut out sweets but just learn to moderate what you take in, this whole thing does get a lot easier because you don't get frustrated/burnt out from never being able to have things you desire.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have no-sugar-added ice cream nearly every night (planned for so I don't go over my calories). I use a small decorative bowl instead of a cereal bowl, to make sure I don't overdo it.

    When I go out for dinner, I have dessert, but I make it a point to never eat the entire serving (of anything). I always leave at least 1/3, if not 1/2 of whatever I order. I may take it home for tomorrow, but just don't allow myself to scarf it all down at once.

    I'm losing weight just fine!