Weight Watchers

Have you or would you try weight watchers?


  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I think there are a few groups here for weight watchers or for getting the knowledge from weight watchers without paying.

    My office had about 10 or 12 ladies that did it. 2 had success that lasted longer than their membership.
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I have been on WW since September and love it! Down 36 lbs!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I know people who have had great weight loss on that program. I would try it, but what I'm doing is working for me. If it wasn't, I would consider doing it
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have tried it for years. All it is is calorie counting in a different form. Nothing too special.
  • radiantlybelle
    Thank you guys!

    purpleipod: did you lose anything though?
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was on weight watchers about when I was around 16 years old. I lost around 30lbs on it. Once I stopped it, I gained it back plus crap load more. It was obviously my fault, but I'd never go on it again because I don't want to be on "weight watchers' for the rest of my life. I'd rather just learn how to be healthier my own way and not worry about points. I don't want to have to do the point system every single day. It IS a great program though. Don't get me wrong. I did feel like I was eating all the freaking time! I was eating when I wasn't hungry. I did very little exercise on it as well like 30 minutes a day with my mom just doing crunches and stuff like that.
  • sugarcrane2
    I loved it after my first and second lost 30 pounds both times before getting pregnant again. It did not work after kid #3 not sure if my body knew my tricks or if I was following my points but eating the wrong foods. It is really easy to follow and allows for eating what you want without guilt as long as you count it. I think it’s best for a first time dieter it helps teach moderation and portion control. It does tell you to eat certain foods types so many times a day. But I never followed that and that’s why I think it was the type of food I was eating that was keeping me from losing the weight after the third.
  • squared16
    squared16 Posts: 41
    i've tried weight watchers before and I agree with the idea that it's just a different way of counting calories. But the meetings can be really helpful! It's nice to meet with people and share your successes and pitfalls. I think it's a great support system but the program itself isn't really anything special.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I lost well on Momentum, yes. But I was also trying a lot harder. When I tried hard enough with Points Plus I lost too. I think I lost about 56 pounds on Momentum. Never stuck to the new plan long enough to really judge how well I lose on it.
  • Jewelz2c
    Jewelz2c Posts: 7
    If you follow My fitness pal you will stick with in your weight watchers points if eating healthy.. I have been on WW for over a few years I am down 75 total started Myfitness pall and am down another 16..
  • fullagrace
    Weight Watchers is very similar to MFP, except its points you count instead of calories. Why pay when you have that here for free. I lost almost 40 pounds in 2008 and I have kept it off within 10 pounds, because as soon as I hit that 10 pound range I dug deep and ate healthy again for a few months to get back on track. I got to that goal using WW online, I didnt go to the meetings.

    Any sort of calorie/point counting diet is a healthy way to go. You learn portion control and how to start making better choices if you want to feel fuller while still giving yourself some indulgences now and then. But like I said, why pay when you have MFP!?!?!?! A lot of people do both for added support.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I'm doing weight watchers. It works. Started Feb 1st and I am down 24 pounds.
  • stallworth2002
    stallworth2002 Posts: 4 Member
    Love weight watchers. I started it in 2007 and lost over 30 lbs. In 2010, I started gaining in all back and today I'm at my pre weight watchers weight. I've been planning on starting it back all year, but kept forgetting to write down every thing I ate. Today is my first day entering my food in myfitnesspal. I'm hoping that I can have the same success and love that I can track what I eat electronically and for FREE.
  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    I have done ww in the past and lost every time but since they recently changed the point values it messed me up. I was about to start up again but found this site. I am eating the same way as I did when I did ww, just tracking cals, instead of points. I realized that when I don't track I tend to undereat even though I have always exercised. And the lbs slowly creep back on. This is free and it is similar.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I lost 50lbs on it but I left because I think the points are too gimicky and I can just track cals and do the same thing. I didn't find the meetings in my area to be too helpful but they might be in your area.

    It is still tracking food so same thing as here and this is free. With here you don't have to convert to "points" first so it is one step less.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I was following Weight Watchers up until this month and just recently switched to strictly using MFP. WW was definitely instrumental in kick-starting the weight loss and it forced me to change my eating habits. As you can see, I've lost 62lbs since July 2011 and I'm almost at goal. However, as much as I will sing the praise of Weight Watchers, I also exercised quite a bit so it was definitely a combination of the two.
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 279
    I lost a bunch of weight on WW but then when I needed to go back to lose it again, they had changed their program. The new program tracks fat, protein, carbs, and fiber. You need to know all of those variables to calculate points. Many times when I go out to eat or need to quickly figure out points for something, all I have access to is calories. This makes tracking a little more difficult for me. Its possible to get those numbers, but it requires a little more work. Perhaps if I had been a little more motivated it would have been ok, but for me, I couldn't make it work.
    Calorie tracking is much easier by comparison. Once you are on your way, there is a lot of merit to WW's concept that not all calories are created equal, but right now for easy, vanilla weight loss, this is the way for me. :)