Zumba HELP!!



  • DrGeriK
    DrGeriK Posts: 61 Member
    I love Zumba. Have been doing it for 1 1/2 years and I still don't do some of the high impact moves as well as I think it's called The Samba. I just move as best as I can and have fun. I laugh at myself and enjoy it. I zig sometimes when I'm suppose to zag................anin't no thing. Just find a type of exercise you enjoy so exercise won't seem like exercise.
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    I am a Zumba instructor and I always start off with the easiest way to do a move and tell people to stay where they are comfortable as I bump up the step. I have seen people who are not used to moving their body and so I start off almost robotic, so they can see the basics and eventually they pick it up. I love Zumba (I burned 1400 calories today alone thanks to Zumba). I'd suggest trying another class, or even trying out the videos. I found mine on craigslist, cheaper than I can get them from Zumba with my discount.
  • Just keep doing it! It's an awesome workout and so much fun! We had a newbie in class tonight who was afraid to try it, and as I told her - just keep moving, try to go in the same direction, and watch the instructor as much as you can. Eventually you get the hang of it, especially if they use the same playlist for a few classes in a row. Don't give up!!! I just burned 641 calories in an hour. It's worth making a fool out of my "gringa" self for that!! :)
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    Same issue here too. First time I tried it on the Wii, I hated it. But I tried it again and I love it! I also do a Curves Zumba class each week. I can't do all the moves, but I try my best and just keep moving to the music.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    theres a pic that has just dance 2, the streets, is how you feel, and either ace ventura dancing in a tutu or chris farley on snl doing the chippendales dance, thats how you look. haha. i agree. ive been doing it over a year, and i think in my head, im all sexy, i do it at home because i know im not. haha. get it at home, the wii 2 version. it has different routines, different styles, different times, you can program your own, and it has a avatar that shows you what the next move is. i love it.
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    I just tried my 1st Zumba class last Friday. Did I ever feel uncoordinated! Who would have thought that I would have such a hard time considering I was a cheerleader for 4 years in high school. I guess that is what 20 years does to you without exercise. It was an absolutle blast. I will continue with Zumba and I feel confident I will catch on as I continue to go to class. I am sure you will as well. Just give it a little time.:bigsmile:
  • shellg1975
    shellg1975 Posts: 2 Member
    I do zumba classes three times a week and I love it. I have a hard time with some of the moves but I just have fun with it. It's a great work out my classes are a hour long I burn 810 calories. So don't give up I promise it gets easier :)
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    keep it up.. i have been doing it for over a year and you will still find me going in the wrong direction. most important thing with zumba is to keep moving and have fun. i have to modify mine a bit due to knee issues.

    keep moving
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    When I started zumba I was 250+ pounds, and no matter how I wanted my body to move, it was just not having it. I found an instructor that I will follow to the ends of the earth, and I hung in there. It took a long time for my body to get it, but eventually it did just that. Once you learn the basics, the new steps will be easier and easier for you to master. I tell all class newbies that you have to give it at least 5 classes before you give up. Most of the people I told that to now say the same to other newbies. It takes about 5 classes to even start to get the hang of a few songs and not feel completely uncoordinated. I love it so much that I am getting ready to take instructor training this summer.
  • only_5mom
    only_5mom Posts: 28
    Keep trying! Nobody cares if you can't do it all or mis-step, we all do that! It is great exercise for calorie burn and so much fun, you are dripping with sweat before you even realize it!
  • You can try Hot Yoga. But don't worry, I'm latino and have 2 left feet. I do zumba classes and I try to just keep moving
    and do the best I can. You will still burn the calories as long as you give it your hardest, even if it's not perfect.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Hang in there girl! I have been taking zumba for the last 3 months, my first week was horrid, however now I feel like a pro, and when she changes the routines and the music I embrace the change. If there is a move I can not do or it feels weird I do a similar move that I already know. Sometimes you just have to make it up as you go along.

    I am not always perfect, there are times when I start day dreaming that I am dancing at some club and realize I am going a different directions! LOL. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and just shake your booty!

    BTW I go to zumba 6 days a week. I know I have an addiction! :D
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Add me to the uncoordinated Zumba-er list. I didn't like it after the first class because I felt like a total moron. However, now that I have a few more classes under my belt, I'm still hopelessly uncoordinated, but I'm now okay with that. It's fun and it's a good workout and that's all that matters.
  • lmpatt
    lmpatt Posts: 1 Member
    @knapowell - How long did it take you to lose your weight? Did you do other exercise other than zumba? Any other tips? Food?
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    it really helps to find an instructor that you are comfortable with.. I adore mine.. so spunky and energenic.. and always thinking up new things to do.. we have done two flash mobs (last summer) and have plans to do another flash mob in a week.. and dancing in the street is coming up..you got to have guts for this one.. cause everyone is watching you!

    here is my class.. (yes i am in the video..)

    flash mob.. im in the first group that takes the field (after the boys leave)

    please note.. we are not all doing the same things... :) we jsut keep moving