mom of six and need suport

im a mom of 6 kids i had my first when i was 17 i was a 130 pounds well i got back to a 160 when i had my secound child and i got two 175 when i had my third child i worked out and ate right and got down to 170 when i had twins in 2007 so back to working out every day and eating right i found out doing thingsout side helped me hiking, bike riding, walking 4 and 5 mile a day helped then at 170 again i had my last child and i really gained the weight with her i went throw a depressed stage in my life where i ended up weighing 250 pounds i work out every day and had to keep my head up for my kids but i find keeping my head up is hard some times im ashamed to look at my self i hate for my boyfriend to see me and i feel useless all the time i have gotten down to 223 and am kinda stuck but am kicking out breads and starches i have stoped drinking soda and im working out when ever i had a chance but getting motivated is hard some times my youngest child has adhd and is bi poler she takes up so much of my time and the stress of a child like her is hard but i am trying to keep my head up and stay on track but dont really know how to most days helpppp please need advise


  • scottanthonyholmes
    scottanthonyholmes Posts: 23 Member
    My wife has only had two, but she got in better shape than she has after been on P90X. She is helping me on the path to fitness now. I have lost some weight but have also hit a plateau. I have found blogging helps keep me accountable. Let me know if I can help!!

  • Mandired78
    I am so sorry that you are having a hard time! All you can do is take things day by day on this weight loss journey(and in life!). Feel free to friend me- I would love to offer you support. And never start thinking that you are nothing- I'm sure if you asked your children, they would say that you are EVERYTHING to them! Keep your chin up-you can do this!!!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I sent you an email, and you are more than welcome to friend me if you want. My daughter was dx as bipolar, odd, ocd, gad, sensory issues, etc at age 5 after years of major issues with her. She's now 15 and life's better, but i can relate to almsot any and all stories you can tell. I know how stressful it is, its why im here too.

    You will find a lot of support here. Welcome!
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Hi also a mother but only 4 for me. Oldest moved out but has many issues, teenager with adhd and add, 9 year old with autism and a sensory disorder everyday is a challenge, but i have to get healthy for me You are more than welcome to add me and we can support one another.