New approach to weight loss... Think like a skinny wench

Last Friday I was sitting in my living room miserable because I was thinking about food and what I could go eat. I typed in Google "how to stop thinking about food all the time". I looked through a couple of websites and came across Oprah's. I came across a life coach she has on her site, Dr. Jedith Beck cognitive therapist. I read all the post she has about weight loss on the site and found her book "The Beck Diet Solution: train your brain to think like a thin person" I found it on amazon really cheap and thought "Eh.. what the hell Ive tried everything else. Now this is not you typical diet program, eat this dont eat that, eat low carbs and high protein, dont eat sugar. Weve all read all of those book and magazines and websites until our little head are full of the proper way to diet. No this is a 6 week program (I condensed it down to a couple of days because I dont work and dont have kids right now so I have a lot of free time) that gives you a daily task to help you change your thinking habits, change your eating behavior, and to loose weight. Simply put it teaches you the skills to stick to any diet, make cravings go away, resist tempting foods, deal with eating triggers, say no to food pushers, end emotional eating, get rid of excuses to over eat, how to make time to excersise, and lose weight for good.

Ive been following the program since Saturday and have felt a million times better, I feel like Im in control of what goes in my mouth and not the other way around, I have been excersising and not makeing excuses to quit, Im learning to deal with cravings and emotional eating (which I havent went on a binge and felt completly out of control because I was bored/lonely/sad etc since I started to read this book and before it was almost a daily occurance) I really feel this book is helping and will help all of you as well.

Dont take my word for it go check it out and see what you think.


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    bump..too sleepy to read it all now
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for posting and happy for you that it is working. Might give it a try myself.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    this sounds good
    keep us posted