Needs Motivation and advice.... :(

Okay so I had been doing good with my weight loss for a while, and eating better. I was also jobless so I had full concentration on my health and fitness. Then I got a call back from a job that I had been wanting to get and went in for and interview and got the job on the spot. I was excited to start but soon after starting I realized that with the hours I was going to get I wouldn't have enough time for exercising, then with my hours and breaks I dont even have time to eat hardly. Healthy much less. Being an assistant store manager we get no breaks and work late. I weighed myself since then and found out I gained two pounds!!!!!!!!!! I am super depressed and dont know what to do!!!!!!! help!!!


  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    My first suggestion to anyone struggling with food and work issues is always be prepared. Bring carefully planned snacks and meals, and do your best to fit them in when you can. Breaks are much better utilized if you have the food ready to go, versus spending more time (and likely many more calories) getting conveinent and/or fast food.

    What are your hours like at work? What does the rest of the day consist of? I often find it's not that people literally don't have time, it's just how you chose to reoganize and use it. Maybe it means waking up and hour earlier, or walking to work instead of driving, or hitting an at home workout video before you hit the hay.

    You'll get back on track, just stay focused and don't worry about the 2 lb set back. I have personally found schedule changes can be some of the biggest hurdles in the weightless process, but you'll adjust and figure out your rhythm as long as you still keep your health a priority!

    Good luck!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Okay so I had been doing good with my weight loss for a while, and eating better. I was also jobless so I had full concentration on my health and fitness. Then I got a call back from a job that I had been wanting to get and went in for and interview and got the job on the spot. I was excited to start but soon after starting I realized that with the hours I was going to get I wouldn't have enough time for exercising, then with my hours and breaks I dont even have time to eat hardly. Healthy much less. Being an assistant store manager we get no breaks and work late. I weighed myself since then and found out I gained two pounds!!!!!!!!!! I am super depressed and dont know what to do!!!!!!! help!!!

    eating healthy in that situation takes serious menu planning. On my days off, I cook several things that I can eat quickly and keep in the fridge. I pack my lunch daily with simple stuff that I can eat quickly. Slices of cheese, yogurt cups, celery and carrots, fruit, broiled chicken breast, small salads, etc. I always have some chili, some broiled chicken, yogurt and cheese in the fridge. They don't spoil quickly and can be heated and eaten easily or eaten with out cooking.

    And you need to schedule yourself. Figure out when you have 20 minutes free and go for a walk. If you have time to watch some TV, do some jumping jacks and sit ups while you watch. If you have 10 minutes, you can do some quick calorie burning.

    Once you get settled in at the job, you should feel more in control and able to deal. Friend me if you want. I'm always willing to give advice. And it's worth what you pay for it......
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    ^^^^^Great advice Mary!
  • Thankyou ladies, I appreciate it. I will definitely try to eat healthy snacks throughout the day. I wish my day was set and my shifts were not all over the place. We do not have a fridge so It will possibly have to consist of granola bars. Does anyone know of the best granola bars to eat.

    (I take supplements when waking up)
    -be energized (for women)-red supplement
    -mega green tea
  • Sixtyby60
    Sixtyby60 Posts: 11 Member
    How about pita bread with turkey, lettuce and a bit of avocado. Really, the only one to lose weight with a crazy job is to bring healthy food every day. Granola bars are all carbs though the Fiber One bars are atleast high in fiber. If fell off the wagon recently and went back to eating carbs and ignoring choices and put on 3 lbsl right away and I had only lost 6, so I'm not really happy. But.....I know what I have to do and I HAVE to bring planned meals with me. When I'm on call at the hospital, sometimes I lose it, and just eat whatever I can hold running up the stairs and then I fall off the wagon again and have to start over. I wish I had better self discipline. But.....really, if you bring healthy food you'll feel better. Good luck :)
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    We do not have a fridge so It will possibly have to consist of granola bars. Does anyone know of the best granola bars to eat.

    I know a guy who uses a little Igloo 6-pack cooler with a cool pack and a little ice for his foods that need to stay cold. It works out well for keeping salads and chicken breasts, etc. It does take planning--have to put everything in little containers, but it works. As for granola, I don't eat those anymore since I discovered Kind bars. I love the Kind Fruit and Nut the best. They are all in the MFP database. Good luck!
  • Apples and oranges are also good snack to have and have fiber and vitamin C which helps regulate yourself (which i know sounds gross) but the extra 2 lbs could also be waste that you couldn't get rid of from the fast food.. I'm trying to set my body back into gear this week especially after i saw a 20lbs I gained back after I lost it all last summer dont worry and sometimes at work, we had a private bathroom, i would do push up or something "active" every time i took a bathroom break and walk the floor a lot and get a pedometer that way you can see how much you walked and feel the sense of accomplishment knowing you were still active during the day
  • Penbutts
    Penbutts Posts: 4
    Have you thought about doing some type of at home fitness program like "10-Minute Trainer" so you can still get some serious exercise in, but it won't take too much time. I love mine. If I have the time, I'll do several of the DVD's to work different body parts, otherwise I'll do just one so I at least get some exercise. Food wise, when I am on the go like that, I go for the protein bars which seem to stay with me for awhile or Shakeology which usually holds me for about 5 hours.
  • I know how you feel. I work a LOT, so I like to use my time off to just relax at home. At this point, I don't really ever exercise. I'd like to start eventually, but I've been losing weight just fine without it. Plus, I stand up for 8 hours a day at my job... it's not easy! Anyway, what I do is bring in all my food with me to work. I plan out my day and bring a lunchbox with everything I want to eat so that I'm not stuck ordering a pizza or something. I also make sure I always have water with me. If you stick with your calorie goal that MFP has set for you, you should still lose weight even when you don't have time to exercise!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    Even with no fridge most foods will hold for a 6-10 hour period (except of course something that must remain frozen). There are many healthy snacks beyond granola bars (which depending on the brand can be deceiving anyways). A few suggestions:

    -fruit and mixed nuts- but make sure your portion mixed nuts. The appropriate serving of almonds for example is really only about 20-25 almonds.
    -Greek yogurt- great for protein boost
    -mini clif bars- 100 Cals, filling and high in protein
    -hard boiled eggs
    -any sort of raw veggie (I favor snap peas and baby carrots)
    -natural peanut butter and a healthy Hugh faber cracker (ak-mak is great, there's also a brand called 'mary's gone crackers' that are very healthful
    -lite organic string cheese with a side of fruit

    and I could go on. There's really tons of options and the key is finding what works for you time wise, what makes you feel full, and also is enjoyable! If you don't enjoy what you're eating, it's easier to stray. If you can find even just half a dozen healthy snacks you like you can't bring something different to work each day of the week!