Suggestions for at home weight lifting workout



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Wrong. Higher reps builds muscle. Lower reps and higher weights build strength. Sometimes, I do 150 reps, but I rest 2 minutes between sets. 10 sets of 15 reps. You do that and your veins will be popping out of your body. Get a bench if you can. You can do dips and incline pushups. Get some dumbells. I like the adjustables. Same with an adjustable kettlebell. Get the weights off of I prefer standard over olympic.

    No. 1-5 reps builds strength and muscle density. 6-10 reps causes hypertrophy. Anything over that just builds muscle endurance, but does not add muscle.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I was told that it should NEVER feel SHOULD feel very extremely order to build muscle. I just started lifting....and I LOVE goin pushes me...and I crave more and more. Lifting heavy gives you incredible energy and zest for the rest of the day. And since I workout at home, rather than a gym.....I'm more comfortable pushing myself harder...even if I can only lift it 5 times...there's no just feels good. I think my body loves that I'm finally giving it a challenge.

    I'm the same way. If I worked out at a gym I'd be self-conscious about those unlovely noises I make when hitting that last rep! lol

    Lololol....I know!!! Yesterday my neighbor stopped by but turned around before knocking, and went back home. She returned an hour later..totally embarassed. She said as she approached the door..she heard lots of "grunting and moaning" ( she thought I was having sex).

    I laughed and laughed, and told her I was trying to get the stack lifted for that 10th time.....the 9th took everything I the 10th was excruciating...hence the moaning and

    Lifting is quite "intense"...but it feels good!!! I could never do it at a gym...I'd get thrown out..lolol

    LOL! I cracked up at this!

    Yeah..funny thing was she still didn't believe me. I saw the "yeah right!!" look all over her face. So, i took her to my workout room..slipped the pin back in..and started another set......sure the 8th rep 'there went the sounds' the time I got to the 10th....I was gruntin and moanin...(damn near crying) again!!

    Wow..her eyes nearly popped right outta her was PRICELESS!!!
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Wrong. Higher reps builds muscle. Lower reps and higher weights build strength. Sometimes, I do 150 reps, but I rest 2 minutes between sets. 10 sets of 15 reps. You do that and your veins will be popping out of your body. Get a bench if you can. You can do dips and incline pushups. Get some dumbells. I like the adjustables. Same with an adjustable kettlebell. Get the weights off of I prefer standard over olympic.

    No. 1-5 reps builds strength and muscle density. 6-10 reps causes hypertrophy. Anything over that just builds muscle endurance, but does not add muscle.
    Thank you Tigersword for explaining it to him.:bigsmile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I probably should've been more specific. 1-5 reps is myofibrillated hypertrophy (density and strength,) and 6-10 is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (size.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Definately lift heavy - low reps.

    One thing you need to make sure of is good form. If you are not sure about your form, you may want to invest in a session with a trainer at a gym so they can show you how to do the lifts. If you decide to do this, make sure you pick a gym with trainers that use lifts like deadlifts and squats with their clients as there a bunch of trainers that really only focus on more endurance type exercises.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Bump - great info for another beginner!
    I'm doing the nerdfitness beginners routine at the moment.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    do you guys have that tower 200 thing? heheh its fun :)
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    Here is a post I made to another member that asked a similar question. You can get a 40lb set of Cap adustable dumbbells at walmart for $30.00 and add additional plates as needed for $2-4 dollars each.

    Ok here is the program/split. To keep it simple try to do 8 reps for every set. If you can do 10 reps, raise the weight for the next set, if you can only do 7 reps or less ,lower the weight for your next set. Also try to limit your rest periods between sets to between 1 minute and 1 minute and 30 seconds. I choose to do my cardio and abs on my off days but you can mix them in to fit your schedule/ needs etc. Also please dont be intimidated by lifting!! (we all were when we started but quickly realized that there wasnt anything to be scared of)

    Monday: Legs-
    Squats x 3 sets.
    Lunges x 3 sets.
    Step ups x 3 sets.

    Seated Calf Raises x 3 sets.
    Front Raises x 3 sets.

    Tuesday: Back-
    Pull Ups x 3 sets ( use a chair and push off it with one foot to assist you as much as needed to complete each rep.)
    Dumbbell Rows x3 sets.
    Bent Over Rows x 3 sets.

    Curls x 3 sets.
    Concentration Curls x 3 sets.

    Thursday: Chest-
    Bench press x 3 sets. (use your bar)
    Incline pushups x 3 sets ( use the bottom step of any set of stairs and do as many as possible for each set)
    Dumbbell Flys x 3 sets.

    Extensions x 3 sets.
    Kickbacks x 3 sets.

    Saturday: Shoulders-
    Shoulder Presses x 3 sets.
    Front Raises x 3 sets.
    Lateral Raises x 3 sets

    Shrugs or Seated Shrugs x 3 sets.

    Lower Back / Glutes- ( Yes its leg exercise but you dont want to do deadlifts and squats on the same day)
    Dead Lifts x 3 sets.

    This is awesome!! Thank you for putting this all together and posting it!
  • accusima
    accusima Posts: 38 Member
    Bump. There is some excellent info here! This will really help when I start integrating strength training into my routine.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    I was told that it should NEVER feel SHOULD feel very extremely order to build muscle. I just started lifting....and I LOVE goin pushes me...and I crave more and more. Lifting heavy gives you incredible energy and zest for the rest of the day. And since I workout at home, rather than a gym.....I'm more comfortable pushing myself harder...even if I can only lift it 5 times...there's no just feels good. I think my body loves that I'm finally giving it a challenge.

    I'm the same way. If I worked out at a gym I'd be self-conscious about those unlovely noises I make when hitting that last rep! lol

    Lololol....I know!!! Yesterday my neighbor stopped by but turned around before knocking, and went back home. She returned an hour later..totally embarassed. She said as she approached the door..she heard lots of "grunting and moaning" ( she thought I was having sex).

    I laughed and laughed, and told her I was trying to get the stack lifted for that 10th time.....the 9th took everything I the 10th was excruciating...hence the moaning and

    Lifting is quite "intense"...but it feels good!!! I could never do it at a gym...I'd get thrown out..lolol

    Ha ha ha!!! This is too funny!!! I love it!! This sounds like something that would happen to me! Although, I'm glad that you were able to prove it to her so you won't have to deal with those uncomfortable looks from your neighbor everytime you see each other! LOL!
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Just to give you is my home gym set up.
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    These ideas are great!

    Great tip about getting the trainer's consult first and I love the photos of what people are using at home.

    Keep em coming!
  • mtread13
    mtread13 Posts: 31 Member
    Wrong. Higher reps builds muscle. Lower reps and higher weights build strength. Sometimes, I do 150 reps, but I rest 2 minutes between sets. 10 sets of 15 reps. You do that and your veins will be popping out of your body. Get a bench if you can. You can do dips and incline pushups. Get some dumbells. I like the adjustables. Same with an adjustable kettlebell. Get the weights off of I prefer standard over olympic.

    No. 1-5 reps builds strength and muscle density. 6-10 reps causes hypertrophy. Anything over that just builds muscle endurance, but does not add muscle.

    You're right from everything I read. Is it important at some point to work on muscle endurance? And when you do work on that, what is happening - muscle memory, mind over matter, or what? I think I kind of understand what happens to the muscle when building density or size, but what happens to it when working on endurance? Since I'm far from my goals, I am working on failure in 6 - 10. However, if I don't get to failure in the 6 - 10 range, I'll work max reps and make a note to increase the weight in my journal. The only time I get a lot of work on muscle endurance is muscle work during other activities (splitting wood, other outdoor "work", etc.). Is this a bad approach or should have more planning associated with muscle endurance?

  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I'm also a NROL fan (both the men and women's books), but I don't have the space or money to get everything I'd want/need at home. I'm very happy doing that program at the gym, but I don't have a lot of "free time" to get to the gym like I used to. I'm making adjustments to get more time, but I've also been looking into different things that I can do at home.

    So, I've been reading "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark. It's all about using your body weight instead of all the gym equipment. It looks VERY challenging - just as challenging and productive as what I'm currently doing, and the basic concepts follow with what I've learned elsewhere. I haven't tried it yet, so I can't speak from experience, but it sounds very promising, and I'm looking forward to trying it in a few weeks when I finish NROLFW. I borrowed my copy from the library so I could check it out for free before buying it. It's worth a look!
  • kcmullis
    kcmullis Posts: 9 Member
    If you have a ****'s Sporting Goods nearby, I bought a great dumbbell set in a case for about $50.00. It goes from 3 lbs-40 lbs and you can add to it later including purchasing a second set of bars. I think they have it online too. This worked great for me instead of having a whole rack of weights around. I can easily change weights for different exercises. Good luck!
  • kcmullis
    kcmullis Posts: 9 Member
    If you have a ****'s Sporting Goods nearby, I bought a great dumbbell set in a case for about $50.00. It goes from 3 lbs-40 lbs and you can add to it later including purchasing a second set of bars. I think they have it online too. This worked great for me instead of having a whole rack of weights around. I can easily change weights for different exercises. Good luck!

    Didn't know it would bleep me. Hopefully you know which sporting goods store I am talking about. :tongue:
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    Here is a post I made to another member that asked a similar question. You can get a 40lb set of Cap adustable dumbbells at walmart for $30.00 and add additional plates as needed for $2-4 dollars each.

    Ok here is the program/split. To keep it simple try to do 8 reps for every set. If you can do 10 reps, raise the weight for the next set, if you can only do 7 reps or less ,lower the weight for your next set. Also try to limit your rest periods between sets to between 1 minute and 1 minute and 30 seconds. I choose to do my cardio and abs on my off days but you can mix them in to fit your schedule/ needs etc. Also please dont be intimidated by lifting!! (we all were when we started but quickly realized that there wasnt anything to be scared of)

    Monday: Legs-
    Squats x 3 sets.
    Lunges x 3 sets.
    Step ups x 3 sets.

    Seated Calf Raises x 3 sets.
    Front Raises x 3 sets.

    Tuesday: Back-
    Pull Ups x 3 sets ( use a chair and push off it with one foot to assist you as much as needed to complete each rep.)
    Dumbbell Rows x3 sets.
    Bent Over Rows x 3 sets.

    Curls x 3 sets.
    Concentration Curls x 3 sets.

    Thursday: Chest-
    Bench press x 3 sets. (use your bar)
    Incline pushups x 3 sets ( use the bottom step of any set of stairs and do as many as possible for each set)
    Dumbbell Flys x 3 sets.

    Extensions x 3 sets.
    Kickbacks x 3 sets.

    Saturday: Shoulders-
    Shoulder Presses x 3 sets.
    Front Raises x 3 sets.
    Lateral Raises x 3 sets

    Shrugs or Seated Shrugs x 3 sets.

    Lower Back / Glutes- ( Yes its leg exercise but you dont want to do deadlifts and squats on the same day)
    Dead Lifts x 3 sets.

    Bump...thanks for this VERY helpful info!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Bumping for later.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
  • SandersWifey