Downtown Detroit

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
I was wondering if any fellow Michigander's could recommend a good restaurant downtown(somewhat cheap to moderately priced, nothing crazy). My boyfriend and I are going to a Tiger game in a couple weeks and I thought it would be fun to eat somewhere downtown before the game.

I know of very few restaurants....the one I used to love, a Mexican place which I cannot remember the name of, closed several years ago. We went to a bar a couple months ago that I thought was good but the bf didn't like it so much.

Any ideas?


  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    I am going to the game tomorrow night. I'm from Mid-Michigan, but my friend is from Detroit. I will ask her and report back to you. I personally like Hockeytown. It is right across from Comerica. They have amazing pizza. However, there aren't too many low-cal options so beware. I know of more, but I can't think of any names. I will get back with you.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I am going to the game tomorrow night. I'm from Mid-Michigan, but my friend is from Detroit. I will ask her and report back to you. I personally like Hockeytown. It is right across from Comerica. They have amazing pizza. However, there aren't too many low-cal options so beware. I know of more, but I can't think of any names. I will get back with you.

    Yeah I thought about Hockeytown, it is nice and close. Then again a short trip on the people mover makes everything close. I'll probably avoid places like Pizza Papalis and Cheli's since both of those are in Dearborn too which is where I grew up.

    I'd appreciate any suggestions you come up with, thanks!

    P.s Yeah I think that day is going to have to be a cheat day. Even with eating beforehand I don't think I could resist getting at least some goodie from the ball park. This is my first game (and last apparently) of the season so I've gotta make it count.:laugh:
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I personally don't have any suggestions...but I am a Wayne county native and just thinking about home makes me smile alittle. Most of my family is still in Westland/Garden City/Livonia area...

    Hope you have a great day out!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I only remember National Coney Island from when I lived in the mitten...the one that sells Hani Specials. OMG those are so good, and I miss them!!! :sad:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I don't know of any but just wanted to say hi from a fellow Michigander! Have fun at the game. I've yet to go to a game at Comerica. I know - lame, right?! I've even been to Ford Field and the Lions suck. Anyway, just wanted to say hi all and have fun at the game!:bigsmile:
  • I heard good things from there, but I am a little far from there (cleveland)
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Hi!! I work downtown Detroit so I can make a few recommendations. Hard Rock Cafe is always a good choice and its not too far a walk from Comerica. If you guys are in the mood for Thai, there is a really good one down the street from Hard Rock called Orchid Thai. My favorite Mexican place is called Mexican Village but you would have to drive since it's alittle out of downtown but well worth it! The food is great and pretty inexpensive. If Coneys are the order of the day, you can't pass up Lafayette Coney Island. has a great listing of restaurants for downtown. Hope this helps! Have fun at the game! :happy:

  • I've never been to Comerica sad is that!

    Here are my faves:

    Pegasus at Greektown Casino.....Excellent Greek food!
    Union Street on Woodward across from the DMC...classy bar food, wonderful service!
    Fishbones on Monroe
    Au Bon Pian at Campus Martius, and you can enjoy the festivities at the park as well!.....good soups! But watch out for those deserts!
    Xochimilco.....BEST Margaritas EVER....its in Mexicantown:drinker:

    Have fun! Now I want to go hang out downtown before summer is over!!!

    I haven't been to the new MGM casino, but I hear Wolfgang Puck's restaurant is very good also. But super expensive.
  • Okay, I didn't forget about you. My friend and I ate at Pegasus (because we stayed at the Atheneum just done the road) and it was delicious. We stopped in at Fishbones (connected to the hotel) after the game for some drinks. We didn't eat, but the food looked and smelled very good. I've also have eaten at the Town Pump Tavern. I liked the atmosphere and the burgers are pretty good. If you are craving pizza, I've heard good things about Pappy's (Brush St.). Or you could always eat at the ballpark. Comerica is so beautiful, I could spend all day there.

    Hope you find a tasty place. Go Tigers!