Anyone watch The Biggest Loser last night?!

Am I the only one that absolutely hates this season?! I feel it's the worst group of people that they've ever had. I don't even have a favorite that I really want to root for to win it all. I guess Kim would be it because of her drive and determination. I lost all respect for Buddy and Marc for leaving the show. It's a game people!! Last season they gave people a chance to come back for the finale, why would this season be any different? What are your thoughts about this season?


  • BurkeshireFarms
    BurkeshireFarms Posts: 45 Member
    Watched it. My wife and I have been watching for several years and this was one of the worst group of people. Personally I think the producer should have just showed them all the door and brought in 5 contestants that want to be there. And quite honestly, I hope the show sues the pants off of Marc and Buddy. They signed the contract. They knew what was in store. They haven't a leg to stand on. They were scared, plain and simple.
  • ssp2006
    ssp2006 Posts: 4
    I agree, I thought it was pretty pathetic the way everyone acted. Mark and Buddy lost all respect by leaving the show. Buddy seemed to be the main culprit, but who knows. It's a show that's been going on for years. Every year they bring people back, this year should not be expected to be different. This has been a pretty crappy cast this year for Biggest Loser. I hope they cast better for next season...
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    that had to have been the worst decision they could have ever made. All the hard work thrown out the door. They didnt understand how this worked..The basis of their argument made them look like children and they look like complete idiots.

    They are quitters... plain and simple ... quitters... and at that age, they prove nothing to their kids or anyone they inspired because they are just quitters. they wanted to prove a point and the point was nothing.

    I had more respect for Conda and the rest because they realized what this was, a FREAKING GAME!!! duh...

  • That is my favorite show. It was odd last night and I think in the long run Mark and Buddy will be sorry. Now with that said....I wish I could lose 15lbs in one week !
  • I agree with everything said, other than speculating Buddy/Marc's decision to leave. Amazingly childish, as was the treatment of the blue team when they returned. I am hoping for one of the previously ousted players( sorry jeremy ), like Cassandra or Megan to return and win the whole Kit & Caboodle.

    Kim's statement about the hard work the players on the ranch, vs those at home, was also utterly ridiculous as it doesn't matter where the work was done, hard work is done by all.

    I quite like how the show has changed over the years...many of those changes, seem to be, to encourage those that are gone, to truly continue their weight loss efforts beyond being on the ranch.