Encouragement needed!

I have been using myfitnesspal since January and have lost almost 15 pounds. I love the fact that you can have friends and other people connected to you on myfitnessspal for support and encouragement. I have 1 friend on here and am hoping that i can add to that for the sake of my support as well as supporting and encouraging others.


  • Hello!

    I just Joined My Fitnesspal yesterday and I am trying to lose over 100 pounds. Lets encourage each other!
  • cdnoble
    cdnoble Posts: 2
    When I joined in Jamuary I weighed 225, as of the end last summer I was weighing in at close to 250, today i weight 210.5. This app has really helped me , I have lost almost 15 pounds since mid January. My goal now is set at 200. I have fertility issues and tmy doctor thisnks loosing weight will help with that. I plan to go back on fertility meds when i hit 180, unless I decide to loose more at that point before tryiing to get pregnant. The internet says my ideal weight is 110 hehe yah right! my ultimate goal is around 130 or so. But this journey for me is to basically get healthy and feel better about just being me. My biggest motivation is myself; my husband; and my future family. So all in all I am pretty motivated, but every little bit can help, especially when I just don't want to get my exercise in. I have been losing weight at times (some weeks) with food calorie intake alone, but the exercise really helps. My goal for exercise is 3 times per week. So yes lets encourage eachother!
  • Sent you a friend request. You can do this !
  • I so agree! It is nice to know we are not alone!:smile: