Lower body exercises - Suggestions anyone?

Any suggestions for lower body exercises that can be done at home without exercise equipment? I'm losing more inches from the waist up. I need to do extra work to reduce the hip, thigh, and calve areas. (if not reduce it, then maybe make it less jiggley)

What works for you?


  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Pilates has been good for me and I've lost 2 inches from my hips since starting. :)
    I also have a thigh master I use while I'm at the PC. :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Squats, lunges, side lunges, etc. Yoga can be good for lower body, too.

    Jillian Michaels is really good with working lower body (often while working upper too). I'd start with 30 Day Shred if you've never done anything of hers before, but I really love No More Trouble Zones and am currently doing Extreme Shed and Shred and they both really work legs, hips, butt, etc.
  • leestanley3
    leestanley3 Posts: 37 Member
    Ditto mathjulz

    Squats, lunges, pistols, burpees, jump squats, step ups, skipping, roman chair, there are loads... good luck
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    squats, lunges, jumping jacks, jump rope, walking, running, step aerobics (if you have something to use as a step)
  • ally1130
    ally1130 Posts: 18 Member
    I would have to say lunges, squats, and leg lifts. You want to make sure you feel it in the booty when you do your lunges.. It should burn that muscle that connects your thigh to your booty muscle. These have done wonders for my thighes and my dierrere!! If you want to make it a little harder, hold to gallons of milk (one in each) while you do it. I do them stationary but you can also move while you do them taking one big step with each lunge. I just go up and down without moving.
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member
    squat. Google "squats in crossfit" too find out correct form. I had been doing them wrong my whole life. Lunges, side lunges. Pilates is awwwwwesome!

    You can hold a milk jug or bag of flower to add weight.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!