Please..don't hate me for venting all this.

Hey all.

When it comes through the most hardest phases in my life, a part of me wants to give up. 2 years..I lost 73lbs. I am extremely proud of myself with that, especially since food has always been greatest struggle is stressful situations. I have always been addicted to food for comfort. I have a binge eating disorder. I am currently seeking help. Right now, through this phase in my life..I am almost done with my GED..I can see myself getting it in just months. I am faced with all these options for my next step in my education. College. I want to have a medical degree to start with Medical Assisting..maybe work up to something more. As Spring comes into play. we also have Spring Cleaning and my fiancee and I have invited some "inlaws" to see where we live--but also they are pretty "clean" people..they are the type that has high expectations for them and everyone else. So im a cleaning spree for the next 10 days. Right now i just feel like im being pulled in so many directions. A part of me has fought this addiction of mine for 2 years off and on and made good progress. A part of me is also tired. A part of me wants to take a break. A part of me does care and the other half doesn't. I just needed to vent, so thank you for letting me do so. :smile:


  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I hear you! The crazier life gets, the more we want to retreat back to our old comfortable ways, but we'll never be anything but miserable when we're back there. Through my own experience I know there's so much anxiety attached to binge-eating, but venting here is much better than going back to that destructive cycle. Vent away!
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    1) Cleaning burns calories. If it is not on here there are other online calcuaters that tell you how much you burn cleaning. If you take a day off to clean all day you will be fine and burn even more calories!

    2) Keep eating healthy anyway. It's a lifestyle change remember-not just "for now to lose weight" But if you need to treeat yourself to one treat a week then do it just so you don't binge later.

    3) I understand how you feel. This week I feel like I obsessed and revolved my whole life around losing weight and working out. It is all I want to do. But I have to do other things too. I need to work. I am in the middle of a piece of writing and I just stopped writing it, I need to get back to it. My kdis need me to teach them to ride bikes and such. I have dentist appointments to make. Like you I have a TON of cleaning to do. Part of me thinks "This is too much. I should give up." But I am not falling for that this time, like I have in the past. Today I got up an hour early and did my workout them so it would not interfere with other stuff. If logging gets too tiem consuming I'll start writing it down and logging my calroies at the end of the day. Whatever it takes. The times is there- I just have to use it. Like instead of reading the forums all day like I have been I need to get things done.

    4) If you need to cut back, cut back so you are not stressed, but don't binge or throw it all away. Keep eating well and exercise when you can. You can do this!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it feels goodto BLAHHHHHHHHHH it all out sometimes. Feel free to vent all day in your thread lol
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    You will feel better if you get your cleaning done and stay eating healthy. You won't have eaters remorse and feel like you are a failure.. at least that is how I would feel.

    Stickwith it, but also realize what is clean.. and what is clean enough. Don't kill yourself for a visit. It really really isn't worth it.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    You should feel so proud of yourself and all of your accomplishments and exciting things to come! You have worked so hard... this is nothing more than a gut check to make sure you are really in for a lifestyle change.

    Be proud that you are using words to describe your frustration and not food, that in its self is one heck of a change!

    You are doing amazing, you are on such a positive path, keep it up and don't forget to give yourself some credit, cause you are worth it and are awesome!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    You should feel so proud of yourself and all of your accomplishments and exciting things to come! You have worked so hard... this is nothing more than a gut check to make sure you are really in for a lifestyle change.

    Be proud that you are using words to describe your frustration and not food, that in its self is one heck of a change!

    You are doing amazing, you are on such a positive path, keep it up and don't forget to give yourself some credit, cause you are worth it and are awesome!

    Thanks. :bigsmile:
  • kbuelo
    kbuelo Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats on all your hard work and progress (weight loss and your GED)! You ROCK for taking control of your life like that - be proud! If it's been a while since you've seen your future inlaws, they will probably be so impressed with your transformation they won't even notice a speck of dust here and there, hehe!

    I am always kind of relieved it happens to everyone - even those of you who are super dedicated! I work full time, I am a grad student (with a midterm tonight and a 16 page paper due in a week.. that I haven't started), I am feeling guilty that I'm not on top of things getting the garden in, I have an ailing grandma that's got me worried, my job situation is in flux (as in, it's possible I could get laid off or at the very least a cut in pay, very soon), and I feel like someone is always needing me for something!! Phew! Venting does feel good!

    Just remember that eating healthy and exercising keeps your energy level up to take on all the challenges you are facing. Remember why you started, and DON'T beat yourself up if you "slip up" because life happens! You have come so far!!

    Hang in there, lady!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Thanks everyone. It's just one of those tough patches in life I'm trying to get through.