need a group of people to support each other



  • Hi there...let's do this!!!!!! I got to lose at least 20 pounds before 5/4.. :happy:
  • Rheaethan
    Rheaethan Posts: 16
    Did someone create the group yet? I need to be in this. I have to lose 30 pounds to be considered healthy and I have the hardest time with snacking!
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 173 Member
    I LOVE spin and have seen GREAT results keep it up girl!
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 173 Member
    Please feel free to add me...I probably could write a book by now!...I have hypothyroid and it's killin' meeeeeeeeeeee!...I have a personal trainer twice a week and spin two times a week...
  • TangledUp_InBlue
    TangledUp_InBlue Posts: 397 Member
    I guess I can be the token guy in the group! I am trying to shed over 100 lbs. and would like to hit that goal before I turn 50 (in about 2 years). I need all the support and help I can get!
  • egweena
    egweena Posts: 19
    Your in the right place. I have joined this last year, but today is my first time on here and already I have meant so many that are like me. We can all support each other as this journey to weight lost and a better lifestyle of health isn't easy.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 185 Member
    This is my second day on here. I need to lose 50+ pounds and need all the support I can get. Please add me!!


  • KLBH2012
    KLBH2012 Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Hi! Im new to this! I'm looking for a support... any suggestions!! I just joined:)
  • jhanson60
    jhanson60 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I'm new. Was referred through a friend that recently joined as well. I definitely need the motivation that being accountable to someone other tham myself will bring. Feel free to add me to your support group & don't be surprised if I add you to mine. :)
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    Hi.... Linda here I've been on and off but am back on for good. :happy: I have my fitbit and now I'm looking for some cheerleaders. Oh.... I'm a good cheerleader too if someone needs one!
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    Count me in!
  • :smile: i would have to agree with u
  • robynatk
    robynatk Posts: 38
    Count me in too! 120lbs to lose here!
  • My husband has been yelling at me for putting focus on the carb and protein numbers. He lifts weights and his own personalized workout routine and diet so I've been getting tips from him. He told me that exceeding protein goals is not a big deal because protein is good for you and whatever your body doesn't need, it disposes of so it doesn't turn to anything other than waste, it will not be turned into fat stores in your body. As for carbs, those can be stored in the body and it's a good idea to stay at or below the number. Try staying away from (or eat in moderation) high-carb foods such as breads, pastas, peas, corn, etc.. Hope this helped a little..
  • count me in :) trying to lose 60 -70 more lbs. I need to start exercising. I need help hunting for motivation.
  • my above post was for sa11yjane!
  • jas724
    jas724 Posts: 1
    Hi add me! I have lost 61 lbs and I have 40 more to go
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    I have only been doing this for a few weeks but I only pay attention to the calorie goal. It is working for me. I have read many other posts from other long time members stating that the calories it what really counts and not to get hung up on the carbs, protein, fat. Good Luck!
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    My last post was for Sallyjane. I have 102 lbs to loose!
  • I have 37 lbs to lose...hopefully by the end of the summer if I am good.