Becming very discouraged

So I have been doing Insanity for a week and a half. I have been dieting, eating right, giving my all in the workouts. I have yet to see any results. I am stuck at the same weight as when I started. Last time I did Insanity I had already lost weight by this time. Ahhhh I am getting very frustrated and starting to think that I am just going to be stuck at this weight. :frown:


  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    Oh no amarirachelle don't give up. There are so many possible reasons that you're not seeing results. Water weight, hormones, putting on muscle etc etc etc. If I can be of any support please let me know. There's always an explanation. I found out today I wasn't eating enough calories to support my body during exercise etc. Maybe you should check your calories to be sure you're eating the right amount for you x