
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    Taken from:

    Here are just some of the top reasons you need to drink more water.
    ■We’re made out of water—Between 60 to 70% of your body is made from water. Your blood, muscles, tissues, and other parts are your body are basically water as well. Because so much of our body is made from water, it only makes sense that we need to drink a lot of water to keep our bodies running properly.
    ■Other drinks can’t keep you hydrated—Caffeinated drinks—especially sodas—actually make you even thirstier after you drink them. That’s because the caffeine acts as a diuretic, leading to more urination and more dehydration. Simply put, soda and other drinks just can’t hydrate the body like water does. That’s not to say you should stop drinking these beverages altogether, but don’t use them as substitutes for your daily water intake.
    ■Lack of water causes fatigue—Dehydration is one of the top causes of severe fatigue. So, if you aren’t drinking enough water, you’re probably tired all day long, and you might not have the energy to exercise, causing you to stay tired and out of shape. Don’t rely on caffeine to give you an energy boost, but instead, start drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day.
    ■Water is necessary for good digestion—Remember earlier when I said your body is made out of water and that it needs water to run properly? Well, this goes for digestive functions as well. If you’re dehydrated, your body won’t be able to break down foods as effectively as it normally does. Poor digestion can cause a wide range of problems, from constipation to severe abdominal pain.
    ■Water helps blood circulate properly—Water is a necessary ingredient for proper blood flow in the body. As you drink more water, oxygen levels in your bloodstream will increase, leading to better circulation and improved overall health. Good blood flow can help increase your energy levels and burn more fat.
    ■Toxins get flushed out by water—Your kidneys act as a filter. But for them to work as they should, they need to have plenty of water intake. By drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water each day, your kidneys will do their job more effectively, and your body will also expel more harmful toxins from the digestive tract.
    ■Water helps you burn fat—Drinking water can help you stay skinny in a few different ways. First, a lack of water actually slows protein synthesis—the muscle building function in your body. So, if you want to burn fat and add muscle, your body needs to be fully hydrated. Also, staying hydrated ensures that you don’t confuse thirst for hunger, causing you to overeat and gain more weight.
  • I have noticed that if I do not drink water i bloat up. Also if you are taking in alot of sodium drinking water will help flush it out.

    I second this. If I go over my sodium, I bloat. If I skip water, I bloat. Both? Yeah, it makes a difference. I try to get my 64oz or more. Try drinking a bit in between bites. It helps me get full faster, and keeps me from over eating (sometimes-lol) I don't know if it helps me lose weight, but I feel better drinking water.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Ok first of, I drink only water but not the recommended amount, maybe about 2 cups a day. These past two weeks I've been trying to force myself to drink more water, but unless I'm exercising I find it hard to drink so much. Which in a way I don't understand why I can't because before I could ALMOST drink a whole 2 liter of coke by myself. Before I started this journey I knew that drinking water instead of sugary beverages could affect weight loss in a positive way. So I guess my question to you is, if I drink more than 2 cups of water a day will I see more of a loss on the scale?

    P.S: I've been losing weight just drinking these 2 cups of water and staying within my calorie goal.

    I hated water, never drank it, ever! I could be dying of thirst and would ait for something with flavor. The closest I got was using crystal light.

    Since joining, late last year, I now drink between 8 and 15 glasses a day. I FELL SOOOO GOOD!!! It helps flush toxins, keeps your urinary tract clean and healthy and thats just the beginning.

    Did I mention how WONDERFUL I feel? It also helps me to stay full. I LOVE MY WATER.

    Okay how to do it. Get a 24oz bottle, keep it in hand, drink, refill, drink until you have had 3 of them, then pat yourself on the back and keep going!
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member

    Highlights from the study:

    On four separate occasions, the subjects consumed water or water plus varying combinations of beverages. The beverages were carbonated, caffeinated, caloric, and noncaloric colas and coffee. Body weight, urine, and blood evaluations were performed before and after each treatment.

    Grandjean found that there were no changes in the body weight, urine, or blood evaluations for the different beverages. The study found no significant differences in the effect of various combinations of beverages on the hydration status of healthy adult males. Grandjean concluded that advising people to disregard caffeinated beverages as part of their daily fluid intake is not supported by the results of her study.

    Under some circumstances, significant fluid intake — at least eight 8-ounce glasses — is advisable: for the treatment or prevention of kidney stones, for example, as well as under special circumstances, such as performing strenuous physical activity or enduring hot weather.

    However, most people currently are drinking enough water and, in some cases, more than enough. There is potential harm in drinking too much water (Hale, 2010). Water intoxication, a life-threatening condition, can occur when one drinks excessive amounts of water.
  • cwag_afw
    cwag_afw Posts: 45 Member
    My husband went to the weight doctor and in his book it says that the recommended amount of water is 8 8oz glasses a day. However, the overweight person needs more. It suggests drinking 32 oz of water 3 times a day in a 30 minute period. It talked about how your organs need that much water to function properly etc. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now and I honestly feel better and have more energy! The first few days were awful but now I don't feel right if I don't drink it!!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Water is required for metabolic processes, so if you don't drink enough, it won't change that per se but it will promote dehydration even farther. I can't imagine only drinking 2 glasses a day. How big are these glasses??

    Anyway, it's not like you won't lose weight but your body could have a harder time with a lot of things and be more prone to painful ailments so I would increase for sure.
  • I don't know the answer to your question, but here is some unsolicited advice, take it or leave it for what it's worth =) I was totally addicted to Mountain Dew and Coke. I started out making myself drink a small (8 ounce) glass of water every morning to start out the day. Then I started drinking a small glass before every meal. Once we started eating six times a day, that seemed like a lot, but I stuck with it. Since working out more I've been more thirsty and added in a glass for my workouts, which are twice a day. That gets nine glasses a day down without me even having to think about it. The past few days I have wanted more and actually drank 10 to 12 glasses. I do feel better with more energy, but I haven't noticed it affecting my weight loss. If you tie the water to something you do every day, such as eating, I think it makes it easy for the water to become a good habit.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Ok first of, I drink only water but not the recommended amount, maybe about 2 cups a day. These past two weeks I've been trying to force myself to drink more water, but unless I'm exercising I find it hard to drink so much. Which in a way I don't understand why I can't because before I could ALMOST drink a whole 2 liter of coke by myself. Before I started this journey I knew that drinking water instead of sugary beverages could affect weight loss in a positive way. So I guess my question to you is, if I drink more than 2 cups of water a day will I see more of a loss on the scale?

    P.S: I've been losing weight just drinking these 2 cups of water and staying within my calorie goal.
    I drink tons of water it reduces my food intake tremendously.
  • You should be drinking at least 64 to 72 oz of water a day. I add different kinds of fruit to my water like, lemon, lime, orange, pink grapefruit or sometimes I add fresh strawberry slices. And I add lots of Ice to my water. good luck!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I've been wondering this too. Other than helping with the obvious bloat and keeping hydrated/full, does it do anything else for you as far as burning fat/ feeding muscles/increasing metabolism?

    I have heard it is good for your skin.....ill try anything!
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Also if you dont like drinking water try the tetley infusions.... there yummy
  • well water makes u feel full so u should be less likely to overeat. i had to work up to the amount of water i drink now. I drink about 80 ounces a day. I think drinking water is just a good step to becoming healthy. :)
  • Here is a good article on drinking water:

    My brother is a personal trainer at Anytime Fitness ( has a B.S. in Clinical Physiology with emphasis in Athletic Training or something like that) and he says I need to drink about a gallon a day while working out. If you are hydrated your body will shed excess water in your system (i.e. your body won't store water because of fear of dehydration) so you'll get rid of your "water weight" and get a more accurate weight. The water will also lube up the muscles and joints, and help get a fuller work out to the muscles you work. It will help cut down on cramping thus being about to get a better work out as well. I have noticed if I don't have at least 32 oz about an hour or so before I work out that I cramp up faster in my legs when I'm running thus cutting down my work out time. That is just from my experience, reading, and talking with my brother. Hope that helps.

    Oh, and as for the taste, try favored water (Sobe Water, Lifewater) or those new water flavoring (I think it is called Neo or something like that, silver triangle bottle in the store). Just a suggestion.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Taken from:

    Here are just some of the top reasons you need to drink more water.
    ■We’re made out of water—Between 60 to 70% of your body is made from water. Your blood, muscles, tissues, and other parts are your body are basically water as well. Because so much of our body is made from water, it only makes sense that we need to drink a lot of water to keep our bodies running properly.
    ■Other drinks can’t keep you hydrated—Caffeinated drinks—especially sodas—actually make you even thirstier after you drink them. That’s because the caffeine acts as a diuretic, leading to more urination and more dehydration. Simply put, soda and other drinks just can’t hydrate the body like water does. That’s not to say you should stop drinking these beverages altogether, but don’t use them as substitutes for your daily water intake.
    ■Lack of water causes fatigue—Dehydration is one of the top causes of severe fatigue. So, if you aren’t drinking enough water, you’re probably tired all day long, and you might not have the energy to exercise, causing you to stay tired and out of shape. Don’t rely on caffeine to give you an energy boost, but instead, start drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day.
    ■Water is necessary for good digestion—Remember earlier when I said your body is made out of water and that it needs water to run properly? Well, this goes for digestive functions as well. If you’re dehydrated, your body won’t be able to break down foods as effectively as it normally does. Poor digestion can cause a wide range of problems, from constipation to severe abdominal pain.
    ■Water helps blood circulate properly—Water is a necessary ingredient for proper blood flow in the body. As you drink more water, oxygen levels in your bloodstream will increase, leading to better circulation and improved overall health. Good blood flow can help increase your energy levels and burn more fat.
    ■Toxins get flushed out by water—Your kidneys act as a filter. But for them to work as they should, they need to have plenty of water intake. By drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water each day, your kidneys will do their job more effectively, and your body will also expel more harmful toxins from the digestive tract.
    ■Water helps you burn fat—Drinking water can help you stay skinny in a few different ways. First, a lack of water actually slows protein synthesis—the muscle building function in your body. So, if you want to burn fat and add muscle, your body needs to be fully hydrated. Also, staying hydrated ensures that you don’t confuse thirst for hunger, causing you to overeat and gain more weight.

    Please note, this blog entry contains absolutely no citations to any research published in a peer reviewed journal (or elsewhere for that matter).
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    Here's what I learned that water does:

    regulates your body temperature
    helps carry nutrients/oxygen to your cells
    helps convert food to energy
    removes waste
    cushions your joints
    protects and cushions your vital organs
    helps your body absorb nutrients
    moistens oxygen for breathing

    composes 75% of your brain
    makes up 83% of your blood
    composes22% of your bones
    Makes up 75% of your muscles

    So I'd say drinking a good amount of water (some say 8 cups; i drink more because I exercise daily and sweat a lot and also eat salty foods now and then) will definitely benefit you and give you the energy and efficiency to burn more calories and remove waste/toxins. :) I hope this helps....
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    if you hadn't posted the title in capslock I wouldn't have opened the thread.

    Drink however much water you need to not be thirsty. Some days I drink 3 liters by lunchtime, some days I don't have any at all.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    I don't know if it does or not, but I know I drink about a gallon a day and I feel better when I do. On days that I don't drink much water I feel more sluggish and bloated.

    Me too!

    Me three!! and it's great for the skin too :P
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    I am a water drinker and always have been even before "the new healthy me". Keep in mind there are several benifits from drinking more water. 1. It helps you lose weight because it flushes out the by products of fat breakdown. 2. It helps to replensh skin tissue, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. 3. Our brain is made up of mostly water, so it helps us think better and be more alert. 4. Water helps your metabolism because it helps in digestion. 5. Water helps your joints & mustles keep lubricated, so makes it less likely to get cramps and sprains. This is just a few reasons why I drink water. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    I really like the Mio water flavorings. They're a little pricey ($4 here in Utah), but I never thought twice about spending $4 on soda. I figure it's sixes with the money and at least I'm drinking lots of water.
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 343 Member
    I dont know if you will find this helpful its from 2004 so some information or research may have changed but I dont find anything that says otherwise so far. I got this from:

    Eight Glasses a Day

    Despite the fact that most diets call for drinking at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day, few studies have been done to determine if the practice actually speeds weight loss. In an effort to answer this question, Michael Boschmann, MD, and colleagues from Berlin's Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center tracked energy expenditures among seven men and seven women who were healthy and not overweight.

    After drinking approximately 17 ounces of water, the subjects' metabolic rates -- or the rate at which calories are burned -- increased by 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of water consumption and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes.

    The study also showed that the increase in metabolic rate differed in men and women. In men, burning more fat fueled the increase in metabolism, whereas in women, an increased breakdown of carbohydrates caused the increase in metabolism seen.
    The researchers estimate that over the course of a year, a person who increases his water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately five pounds. They note that up to 40% of the increase in calorie burning is caused by the body's attempt to heat the ingested water. The findings are reported in the December issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

    Hope this helps! There is more info at this site you should check it out!!