baby wieght

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had any hints to help me lose my baby weight! I am also wondering if baby weight is harder to lose and if I should take it slower or be more aggressive with an exercise routine. I'm looking forward to any advice!


  • fittous
    fittous Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry about the spelling in the topic bar... I do know how to spell guys... lol
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm not sure if there is any secret, but my kids are 19 and 17 and I'm still working on it:laugh:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    keeping it off was harder for me. it melted off after my son - literally 50lbs in my 6wks postpartum. but then after a year I put it all & then some back on. So this time I was determined to keep it off - I'm now 8 months postpartum & have kept 47lbs off. :smile: good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Sherry79
    Sherry79 Posts: 74
    I am in the same boat as Jstar513. I lost 30 lbs. in 6 weeks after having my little girl but gained all of it back. When I finally made up my mind it was time to get serious about losing again I weighed half a pound less than I did the day I went in to have her!!:cry: But as for losing the weight back I've seemed to lose just as easy now as I did before I had a baby. The only difference is making sure to take the time to plan my meals and to exercise whereas pre-baby, time wasn't so hard to come by.:smile: But I know we can do it. . .Jstar losing and maintaining 47 lbs.(congrats btw!) is an example of what we can do when we set our minds to it!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Thanks! Losing any weight postpartum when all you want to do it hold that tiny little bean is hard!! We need a postpartum weight loss thread! :smile:
  • aariel22
    aariel22 Posts: 37
    I think a 'loose the baby weight' thread is a great idea. I think that our bodies are different with the crazy flows of hormones up and down. My baby is now 2, but I stayed the same weight from a week after birth until I stopped nursing. Some women slim way down by nursing, but I was unable to deny myself food when I was so hungry all the time. I stopped nursing a few months ago, and as soon as I started counting calories and exercising regularly, the pounds started coming off. I don't think there is any trick to losing after a baby, it is just harder so you have to be more determined.
    You can do it!
  • virginiakatie
    I'm trying to shed baby weight also.
    My 3rd baby is just 4 months old and my oldest baby will be 5 so my kiddos are pretty close together.
    I remember after having my daughter (my 1st), I just dropped the weight. It was so easy!!
    After my oldest son (my 2nd baby), the weight lingered!!
    And this time around it's more of a balance. It hasn't dropped off but I am dropping a little faster than I did with my first son.

    We are almost done nursing which I have mixed feelings about but I'm sure that will help speed my weightloss process also.

    But it's definitely true.... after having babies, your body is just in crazy hormone central and it makes losing weight an interesting journey.