Biggest Loser Idiots!



  • bratgrrl
    bratgrrl Posts: 30
    Kinda wish they all would have left and the show could have brought back 5 past contenstants who actually wanted it (and who weren't ridiculously annoying, childish, bratty, evil, etc. etc. etc.)

    Stupid season.

  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    If I were in that situation I would totally leave the show too. They worked so hard to get to where they are and it is unfair to have someone else come in and take what is rightfully theirs.

    HA. Just kidding- I think those people are douches and it really pissed me off as I watched the show. Just trying to see if I could get anyone's blood to boil a bit ;)

    Seriously this season is terrible and I can't stand how entitled many of those contestants act!
  • puppy1002
    puppy1002 Posts: 162 Member
    I think Mark was scared because he didn't have much weight to lose. Those two also screwed the other 3 that stayed. Also they said that the people at home don't deserve it but they do because they still worked there @$$ off to be able to get back on the show! I agree with you!
  • chipvb
    chipvb Posts: 19 Member
    My wife and I used to love watching biggest loser, but last night might have been the begging of the end for us. I have to think a little of this was encouraged by the show’s producers to add a little controversy and boot ratings. Seems to me the show is slowly becoming less of a good inspirational show and more of another one of those reality shows.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    This season, the contestants are awful.

    Agreed. I quit watching it after week 3 or 4.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    I am glad those two left, how stupid to work so hard and then roll over and quit. Have any of these people seen the show? they do this every season. The people at home are awesome they have kids and jobs and still lose with out trainers. I hope KIm wins the whole thing.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    Just watched it this morning. Totally sux because I actually liked both of them...or did.

    Team Kim all the way!
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    All the contestants signed a contract. If any of them read it, they would not be "blind-sided" by what took place. The 2 guys breached their contract, plain and simple.

    And the "new twist" wasn't exactly new, since it's done EVERY season that I've seen (so for Mark to claim that he's a BL die-hard and have watched every season and never saw this twist before is a bunch of crock).

    Oh so, true -- my thoughts exactly. While I was watching it, I thought this had to be a publicity stunt, because no one could be that dumb. Oh yes, they can :(

    I wonder what they told their spouses when they went home? "Oh yeah, honey, I know I took a leave of absence from work, got to spend all this time in Malibu with a personal trainer, celebrity chefs, trip to Hawaii, plus take the fam to the White House, but hey, I'll just toss the opportunity to win $250,000 away and violate my contract instead." Divorce, anyone?

    If it were me, I'd say bring it on. If the eliminated contestants lost more weight or beat me in a challenge, then they get my spot fair and square. If I win, I stay in. Weenies.
  • LKissam
    LKissam Posts: 44 Member
    I couldn't agree more!! I think Biggest Loser should make them pay back what they were given since they didn't fulfill the contract and quit!! see how fair that is!!! hahaha!! Emily was my favorite!!! I hope she makes it back :o)
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Kim and Conda have been playing "the game" all along. I would not be suprised if they had something to do with the whole protest. Mark and Buddy got suckered in and ended up leaving. I'm sure Conda felt like she and Jeremy had the finale positions secured because they still have more weight to lose than Kim. I don't think Conda was counting on Kim knowing how to manipulate the weigh in. I really hope whoever wins their position back, wins the whole thing.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    I love The Biggest Loser. I've watched every season, sometimes being motivated by it, other times disappointed. Last night was a HUGE disappointment. To leave just because you don't think the game is fair?!?!?! They may not think they are quitters, but guess what...They're quitters!! Big time!!!
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I think Mark was scared because he didn't have much weight to lose. Those two also screwed the other 3 that stayed. Also they said that the people at home don't deserve it but they do because they still worked there @$$ off to be able to get back on the show! I agree with you!

    Kim had much less to lose than Mark, and look what she did last night! She out-lost both Conda and Jeremy combined!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I stopped watching when Jillian left.
  • exdisneychick
    Also in the contract says that if they quit, they have to pay some carzy amount back. If im correct its like $10,000! And if they had won a prize, they lose it also. So not only do the guys have to tell their wives they quit, they also have to come up with the payback money. Taking off from work, family, and life alone should be incentive enough to try your best and finish the challenge! My boss tried out for BL. He and his wife didnt qualify basically because they didnt have enough to lose.
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    As I recall, Alli Vincent from one of the early seasons, was sent home and then came back and won the whole thing. Nobody complained back then. Just because someone is not at the ranch, does not mean they any less worthy, especially if they lost a great deal of weight on their own. I bet those two guys who did leave like that, will regret it big time.
  • afunnygirl
    I believe that if contestants simply drop out, they are disqualified. That's such a shame, too, because if they just would've stuck it out, they would at least be eligible for the at home prize. I also can't understand how they were so surprised that the producers would bring back former contestants to challenge them. It happened in past seasons, and clearly it was in their contract. There was no surprise. It's really too bad.
  • determined136
    I was freaking out while watching this week. I think that Conda planted the seed and they took the bait. Conda and Jeremy were on the "go home" band wagon but they stayed. I hate them all. I hope that an eliminated player comes back and takes the WHOLE THING....THAT would be fair!

    I didn't understand the "not fair" arguement....Life's not fair and it's a game. They make the rules.

    They really are the biggest LOSERS!!!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I haven't watched a single season of BL since Season 6. It was obvious to me during that season that the producers of the show had begun to give in to the temptation to create the need for manipulation, dishonesty, and dischord among the players in order for them to have a chance to win the money (making it more like Survivor, Big Brother, etc...), thereby creating more "drama" in the show in an effort to boost ratings. In the beginning, the show was all about people getting an opportunity to drastically change their lives by losing weight and getting their health back through nothing more than determination and hard work. That was all the drama the show needed. The monetary prize was just icing on the cake for the contestants. Now, for most of the players, it's become more about the money, and less about the incredible opportunity. I HATE Survivor, Big Brother, etc... primarily because I HATE seeing dishonest and wicked behavior being rewarded. Since Season 6, things have just gotten worse and worse. I can't tell you how many people I know personally who have stopped watching BL for the same reason.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Well, six hours later, and no one else has commented since I did. Another thread successfully killed. I am now one step closer to fufilling my plan for world domination. :wink: :laugh:

    P.S. Yes, I know. I have a weird sense of humor.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Kinda wish they all would have left and the show could have brought back 5 past contenstants who actually wanted it (and who weren't ridiculously annoying, childish, bratty, evil, etc. etc. etc.)

    Stupid season.

    i agree and in my opinion they should have been sued for breaking contract they signed that said it right in it!
    Also I think the ones doing it at home are working harder seeing as real life is in the way as well, and not everyone who went home deserved to go home and not everyone there deserves to be there so there argument was not a good one.