I need help getting motivated... PLEASE!!!

Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
Hello everyone!

My name is Liz and at the moment (very likely to change!) I live in Scotland. I work in the Royal Navy and have ironically put on more weight whilst in the military than before I joined up!! How did that happen?

I was bound to my desk job whilst a lot of my colleagues got deployed and found myself working from 07:45 am to 9:00pm just to catch up with the sheer work load laden by the lack of staff. During that time, we rarely got weekends off too. I was too tired to do any exercise and comfort ate too whilst I was it. I then found out I had HUGE cysts on my ovaries and fibroids on my uterus that led to an op to have them removed, I of course put on more weight whilst convalescing.

SO HERE I AM!!! No more excuses, fully fit and rearing to go. I would just love to hear from other people who are looking to lose weight. I am about 13 stone at the moment (ish) or about 178lbs. I am determined to get down to about 135lbs in a healthy steady fashion. I don't get much support really as people all around me are into their fast food and drinking.

So, please add me if you too would like a buddy. I am very friendly and always up for a chat! I've just started doing the Insanity workouts too (hardcore much?) and am addicted to them!

Thank you for taking your time to read my lengthy plea!


  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I'll be your buddy xx
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    We can be friends :) I am also doing Insanity (Week 2)! :)
  • charliedavisxxx
    charliedavisxxx Posts: 53 Member
    this is a total punt but my uncle works on the Navy up there - Michael Tarr? wondered if you'd heard of him x
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    I'll be your buddy too! I am new here as well. I have heard great things about that Insanity program. Do you like it? I heard it was really hard!
  • twinmumma82
    Hi feel free to add me im new too x
  • stephenrecarter
    Hola Chica...totally new the site as well. Im definitely excited about the opportunity to SEE my growth and possibly yours as well. Add me up if you want to chat. I think going from 415 lbs to 332 lbs in 8 months shows that Im doing something somewhat right. Hope to hear from ya!!
  • ladeka
    ladeka Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Am new too, so fee free to add me if you like. Good luck with the stuggle :wink:
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome!!! You can do this!!!!
  • Oilfanchick
    Oilfanchick Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'll definetly be your buddy and support from Canada. I started a little more (O.K a lot more) than your starting weight, and I have the same goal weight as you. I am down a little over 30pds., that being said, I went from all the time in the world to work out, to a full time job with kids that have crazy schedules. I'm back on track though, and would love to help support you! Feel free to add me!
  • MargotAllen
    I look at myself in the mirror and see how fat I am, and that's enough motivation for me. In my opinion, losing weight is just a decision you make just like any other life change. Almost 3 years ago, I quit smoking. It was easy because I decided I didn't want my voice to become like those old lady smoker voices, and also because I wanted to feel healthier. For me losing weight is the same thing. I started a year ago at 210 pounds (most I'd ever weighed). I decide everyday if I'm going to stick to my diet each day. I decide if I'm going to do my exercise each day. I use excuses sometimes not to work out like "I have a headache" or "It's a heavy period day" (sorry to sound crude with that one) or "I'm just too tired" but it's my decision each time, and I just try to make the right decision more often than not. I keep track of my calories with this website, and try to stay below my BMR. The weight has been coming off pretty easily. :)
  • carapunkiedread
    carapunkiedread Posts: 21 Member
    Sounds like u been through alot! I've just started on this & I think its gonna work better with alot of support from others doing the same thing..so feel free 2 add me!
  • Karen_Gallagher
    Karen_Gallagher Posts: 5 Member
    l'll motivate youre *kitten* Liz!

    SOS its worse than insanity i tell ya hahaha x :D
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    this is a total punt but my uncle works on the Navy up there - Michael Tarr? wondered if you'd heard of him x

    I don't know him... but the name rings a bell!
  • Karen_Gallagher
    Karen_Gallagher Posts: 5 Member
    this is a total punt but my uncle works on the Navy up there - Michael Tarr? wondered if you'd heard of him x

    Is youre Uncle an officer??
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I look at myself in the mirror and see how fat I am, and that's enough motivation for me. In my opinion, losing weight is just a decision you make just like any other life change. Almost 3 years ago, I quit smoking. It was easy because I decided I didn't want my voice to become like those old lady smoker voices, and also because I wanted to feel healthier. For me losing weight is the same thing. I started a year ago at 210 pounds (most I'd ever weighed). I decide everyday if I'm going to stick to my diet each day. I decide if I'm going to do my exercise each day. I use excuses sometimes not to work out like "I have a headache" or "It's a heavy period day" (sorry to sound crude with that one) or "I'm just too tired" but it's my decision each time, and I just try to make the right decision more often than not. I keep track of my calories with this website, and try to stay below my BMR. The weight has been coming off pretty easily. :)

    I love your attitude and I totally agree!
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    this is a total punt but my uncle works on the Navy up there - Michael Tarr? wondered if you'd heard of him x

    Is youre Uncle an officer??

    That's exactly what I was thinking... Captain Tarr I believe.
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    Thank you all for your lovely messages and friend requests! Totally and utterly chuffed!
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    You can add me if you like
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    Added! :-)
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Hi Liz,

    I'm about to loose weight and get my body in shape too..

    maybe we can be friends and chat sometimes...also supporting each other to reach our goals..

    You can add me if you like :)