Average Weekly Loss

Please give your stats, calorie counts and vague exercise plan.

I know im interested to know and hope others are too..


  • charliedavisxxx
    charliedavisxxx Posts: 53 Member
    been doing this for 4 weeks eating about 900 cals av. and have lost 7lb x
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    ^^ This doesnt sound healthy at all.

    I eat around 1200 and I work out 6 days a week. Sometimes I eat more sometimes I eat less. I eat when I'm hungry.

    I have been losing, not as much as I'd hope but I am losing at least 2lbs a week.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I eat a minumum of 1240 calories a day and usually eat back at least some of my exercise calories.

    As far as exercises go, I walk (with the dogs) at least 20 minutes a day and either bike or walk to work (2.2 miles round trip) five times a week. Lately I've been doing Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6 Pack video a couple days a week, but in the winter I was doing Bikram yoga and swimming.

    I've been doing this since mid-October and have lost 9 pounds, so I guess that comes to around 0.375 pounds a week? I'm only 5'2" and was at a healthy weight to begin with, so the weight's been coming off at a slower rate than it would for others.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have a 10000 calorie/week plan
    i dont lose weight but i lose an average of 3 - 6 inches a month.
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    i've been on here since early january when I was 210lb (i'm 5ft4 so quite obese) and now I'm almost at 30lb lost - generally about 2lb a week.

    I eat on average 1400 calories a day (a bit above my BMR) but I, kind of unintentionally, calorie cycle so if I go over one day I don't sweat it I just go under a bit for the rest of the week.

    Exercise wise I do about half an hour a day in the gym 5 days a week, alternating cardio and strength, go running occasionally, play football once a week and have a few hour gym session once a week.
  • Meliklotz
    Meliklotz Posts: 66 Member
    been doing this for 4 weeks eating about 900 cals av. and have lost 7lb x
    Whoaa there...you need to be careful, under 1200 w/o a Dr. is DANGEROUS.