Bye bye college weight!

Hi everyone, I'm Lyndsay, Im 26, and new to this site. I started the 17 day diet (look it up it's amazing) on Feb 3rd 2012 after my best friend gave me a strict talking to about the amount of weight I had put on. I was always a tidy size 10 (UK) and had balooned to an uncomfortable 14, weighing in at 12st 3lbs (174lbs) for my very small 5'4'' frame. It looked so bad, nothing fit anymore and I lost all interest in clothes and how I looked in general. I am now 10.5 st (147lbs) and well on my way to my goal weight! My profile pic is current, (im on the right) and the other one in my profile is me on Xmas eve 2011, before I started dieting and excercise. (I am on the right again), so by comparison, I can definitely see (or not see) those 25lbs! :D

Would really like to get to know some people on here for support and encouragment, so feel free to drop me a line :)

Lyn xx


  • baasland
    baasland Posts: 34 Member
    Great job Lyn you should be very proud. I always thought that "freshman15" wouldn't happen to me but it turned out I gained almost 20 lbs after my first year of school. I'm almost done my second now and have been working very hard to get rid of the weight I ha put on and I am almost there!
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello. I'm 24 and I'm also trying to shed my college weight. I gained 48lbs in university, so far I've lost 15lbs of it. You can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    You can add me If you like, I have been doing this for a couple years now. Might be able to help.