Ground Flax Seeds & / or Chia Seeds

KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
Just wondering if any of you have added flax and or chia seeds to your daily routine as I have read of the many benefits of both.

1. If yes, what benefits have you experienced?

2. How do you incorporate them into your daily regimen?


  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    Just wondering if any of you have added flax and or chia seeds to your daily routine as I have read of the many benefits of both.

    1. If yes, what benefits have you experienced?

    2. How do you incorporate them into your daily regimen?

    1. No clue really. I've made so many positive changes that I can't be sure what is attributed to what. My skin is looking pretty fantastic lately though.

    2. I add them to oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, etc. :)
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I often add two tablespoons of organic whole ground flax seeds to my morning smoothies for the omega, fiber and anti cancer benefits.
  • watermank
    watermank Posts: 7 Member
    I started using the chai seed. Heard they have more omega than flax seed, and you don't need to ground it to get the benefit. Had it on top of my strawberries and yogurt.
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member

    I add 10-15g flaxseed to my porridge at breakfast. The cocoa and berry variety gives it a different flavour. It definately helps keep you regular!
  • I like to put flax and chia seeds in my salads. Occasionally I'll put them in my morning yoghurt as well. I didn't start because I'd read of specific benefits though. I just like the taste.
    I have heard they can be good for your skin. Not sure if it's true but can't hurt right?
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I have added the chia seeds to my shakes (2oz) and notice better digestion. I also eat flaxseed in my oatmeal so in the end I am doing both.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    I prefer hemp hearts (shelled hemp seeds) compared to flax or chia seeds. Quick protein source that I sprinkle on berries or salads--great omega fats. Stabilizes my blood sugar so I don't crave sweets, keeps me full longer etc.
  • I add whole golden flax seeds to scrambled eggs, salads, cereal, lots of things... usually at least once a day. Although they say that ground flax is the only way to get the omegas, I tend to chew really well when I add it- to try to get the omega benefit. That encourages me to eat more slowly, and I think it helps me eat more thoughtfully or consciously (chew up all those crunchy little seeds), which helps me feel satisfied sooner and end up eating less. I use ground flax in place of flour to thicken sauces or "bread" chicken.

    I think my skin is better, too. I feel full all day, which is nice. I'm not the type to embrace hunger! ;)
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I've been eating chia seeds for a few years now...
    I like them in yogurt...but recently I started putting them into my post workout smoothies
    I use a brand called Salba...which I buy at the health food store...
    Salba is just the white seeds which are supposed to be better than the black seeds
    their recommended daily intake is 2 tbsp
    my dad was the one who got me on this brand...he had nothing but good things to say about it
    he also got my 92 year old Grandma taking it, she was having some sort of discomfort walking
    she said within a week of taking it she noticed a huge improvement
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I love ground flax seeds, and use them from time to time in my salads, not because of the health benefit (though it's another reason I use them, I admit) but just because I like them!!! :happy:
  • I add both freshly ground flax and chia seeds to my morning smoothie along with a Tbsp. of organic CACAO powder.It's suppose to be rich in beta-carotene.zinc and magnesium.They claim the beans contain more antioxidant flavonoids than blueberries,red wine and green tea!:smile::smile:
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Chia seeds also work really well in a homemade jam (if you don't mind seeds). I use flax seed oil in smoothies per my naturopath. It adds a really rich undertone.
  • bump
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I add both to my pancakes that I make every morning. 2 servings of Ground Flax Seeds (26g) and 1 serving of chia seeds (15g) added to 30-100g pumpkin, 1 serving Shiloh organic unprocessed bran (16 g), 1 egg, 1 egg white and 1/2 a scoop of protein powder (17 g) (any flavor, you can't tell which). I put the flax and chia seeds in a bowl and add about 1 cup of water to it and let that sit for about and hour or two ... it gets very stiff and then I add the balance of the ingredients, mix together and make pancakes. These are high calorie and high fiber and high omega 3 and quite tasty (to me). I don't have anyone to test them on but I love them!

    As for the benefits... I've been making these this way for about 2-3 months... I have been making so many other little changes here and there I don't know what's working for what... I feel good. I eat well. I sleep well. I am regular in the bathroom (which is new for sure!) and I just have an overall great feeling... who knows what to attribute it to, certainly not me!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    Just wondering if any of you have added flax and or chia seeds to your daily routine as I have read of the many benefits of both.

    1. If yes, what benefits have you experienced?

    2. How do you incorporate them into your daily regimen?

    I usually put ground flax seeds in my baking; muffins-in-a-minute are yummy with blueberries, quick to make (naturally!) and my own recipe for crackers. I also use ground flax seeds for my smoothies. I put chia seeds on or in my salads. Make sure they don't stick to your teeth!

    Both are such an easy way to get extra protein and fiber.
  • dwiebe85
    dwiebe85 Posts: 123
  • pyororon
    pyororon Posts: 22
    I have some flaxmeal every morning and night. It sounds gross, but I make a sort of porridge with a heaped tablespoon of flaxmeal, a pack of sweetener and a sprinkle of cinnamon then cover in hot water and let it get a bit slimy. It's delicious, but i love slimy food. Alternatively, cover it in cold water, give it a good stir and whack it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and it makes a sort of mini cake. Even more delicious especially with a little dollop of greek yoghurt on it.

    Benefits: without getting too detailed it's helped my digestive system finally regulate itself, but I do have to remember to drink a lot of water when I eat it. It really curbs my night time hunger pangs. I feel pretty amazing generally now that my tummy is in check, i can't even describe how good it is.

    Grinding it up by hand is a pretty good workout too :p
  • tarheelteacher
    tarheelteacher Posts: 23 Member
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Just wondering if any of you have added flax and or chia seeds to your daily routine as I have read of the many benefits of both.

    1. If yes, what benefits have you experienced?

    2. How do you incorporate them into your daily regimen?

    If you have trouble getting in fibre then they're worth incorporating but fish and fish oil are better sources of omega-3s since they come in EPA and DHA already. They aren't particularly tasty (I think) and it's just another food trend. I wouldn't go out of your way to try and incorporate it or incorporate it just because people are saying it's super healthy and all this nonsense.
  • I prefer hemp hearts (shelled hemp seeds) compared to flax or chia seeds. Quick protein source that I sprinkle on berries or salads--great omega fats. Stabilizes my blood sugar so I don't crave sweets, keeps me full longer etc.

    i like flax seed as well (put it in yogurt).. but i also like hemp..i actually have a hemp protein powder..its suppose to also be good for breaking down brown fat cells. :)