Heart Rate Monitor

Ok I just got a heart rate monitor and I am kind of dumb about the whole thing. I had it on all day and it said that I burned over 3,000 calories in 12 hrs. Does that mean that is what my body needs to survive daily? I counted my 50 minutes of exercise into my journal but I didn't count any of the other calories. I kind of figured that those are just existence calories burned during daily stuff. Does anyone else use a heart rate monitor? Do you use it all day or just during your workouts? Mine is a watch with no chest strap. Should I refigure my calories of intake based on my output today?


  • I forgot to add my BMR is 1,593 and my daily goal of intake is 1,310 for a 2lb a week loss.
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    You did the right thing, you should only wear the HRM during workouts. Whatever activity level you set for yourself should account for the calories you burn in everyday movement. Good choice getting one too, they're really useful :)
  • If you just got the monitor and haven't ever tracked your actual calorie burn, it might be useful to wear it all the time for a week and see what your body really burns. That's my plan anyways ... then once I have a real idea of what my body burns on a weekly basis, I will just wear the HRM for workouts!
  • Gonzaln2
    Gonzaln2 Posts: 13 Member
    I used to use a HRM when I was going to the gym.... After seeing a cardiologist b/c the HRM gave me a scary number I threw it away... The cardiologist said gauge more on how you feel than what the number says... If you dont have any health issues you don't really need one. (IMO)

    If you bought it to make sure you stay in "fat burning" zone, I'd say gauge more on how you feel and your endurance during whatever it is you're doing.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 and I only use it when I'm exercising. I don't know what brand you have, but a lot of them are only for exercising use and not all day.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    For one, don't wear the HRM when not exercising.. It's not accurate for that at all.

    For two, return the HRM and get one with a chest strap. Watch only ones are not accurate for estimating calories burned at all.. so if that is a feature you are looking for, then you need a chest strap.

    Three, Don't refigure anything.. If you do, then you will be gaining weight instead of losing it!