I have 4 weeks to lose weight



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I have just over 4 weeks until my wedding. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred very inconsistently because my meds make me exhausted all day and I usually end up not working out. Since I only have 4 weeks left, I'm going to try to pull out the motivation to do it almost every day. I have a strapless wedding dress, and my arms and back are looking pretty horrible. Do I need to add exercises besides the 3DS if I want to make a visible difference before my wedding?

    Log absolutely everything you eat and drink, log your exercise - stick within your daily calorie allowance, you only have four weeks, give yourself the best possible change, do not cheat. Surround yourself on MFP with friends with have similar goals. Exercise three or more times per week, swimming is excellent, running is great, weights are good.

    If you can walk instead of taking the car or public transport, do so, similarly with cycling, if you have access to a bike, cycle if you can, it tones up your butt and back of your legs.

    Swimming, by the way, if you are able to get to a pool is excellent for the back and arms!

    Calories in -v- calories out, consume less food and drink than the calories you use up and the weight will come off.

    Good luck and give yourself the best possible chance, stick to your guns and dig out your willpower, it's there to serve you, now make it do its job xxx
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    A few weeks ago a woman at work said to me, "Michael, what can I do to loose 8 lbs by my son's June wedding?". I answered, how about 8 lbs in 2 weeks? I gave her a copy of my trainer Ultimate Fat loss diet and she lost that 8 lbs in 2 weeks and she was already looking good.
    This is is what I would and and what I DO when I want to look extra lean for something.

    I follow the phase 1 of the plan and I workout hard with the weights, drink lots of water and I get plenty of sleep. I'll be honest with you...the diet is hard, especially the 1st 2 weeks.

    The 1st 2 weeks is a carb detox...you cut out all junk food, sodas, white sugar, flours and breads... You only eat foods that are low in carbs...like 2 pieces of fruit a day and veggies. That's it for carbs...that will leave you between 50 - 75 carbs a day. Of course you eat meat...like lean chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef and even lean pork. 1% or lower cottage cheese, cheese, greek yogurt and such. There are not a lot of choices but it works.
    After the 2nd week you slowly add carbs back in by adding 1/2 cup of oatmeal with breakfast and everything else stays the same.
    I know it sounds hard but it works.
    Message me or add me if it sounds like something you can handle.
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 232
    All I do is use a treadmill,4 days a week,and I have lost 21 lbs in 7 weeks. It's all in the diet!!!!!! :happy:
  • elekelk
    elekelk Posts: 107
    I know you want to look god but 4 weeks is not enough. You should just relax and be happy that you are marrying the love of your life. You can do a little but there is not going to be a big change. Just try to be healthy and be happy that you are getting married, thats the most important thing :)
  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
    Concentrate and a good clean diet, lots a water, do your cardio, log your calories, and you WILL lose inches and weight in 4 weeks. Have faith, sister. Good luck and God bless for the big day.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    Losing weight quickly is bad for you! great on the scales...crap for your skin! it's got to retract naturally or you get sagging....it's natural and you cant hide from it....sorry.

    Good luck on your big day and I hope you have a lifetime of happiness together!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Do the 30 day shred religiously, every day! You should see at least some toning.

    Hope you have a lovely day next month!