Vibram 5-fingers



  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I have had mine for over a year and a half now (around 1400 miles and one marathon), and they are still holding up well. Since I have started running in them, my knees and back have felt better, and I have worked many more muscles. They did take some getting use to, so if you change to them scale your running way back until your body gets use to them.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I LOVE my five fingers - I wear them to workout anytime. I am going to buy a pair as just a daily shoe as well.

    Mine are obnoxious too - orange & pink :bigsmile:
  • bryonysten
    They discriminate against people with webbed toes... ;-)

    Would love some too, feedback is amazing, unfortunately see above comment... dammit!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    My Vibram KSO's are freakin' awesome.

    Light, comfortable, durable and they fit my feet better than any other off the shelf shoes.

    I started out wearing them to the office. (Easy dress code at the office. People were enthralled with them. They call them my gorilla feet.)

    Then I started walking the dogs in them. (I wore them, not the dogs.)

    Finally, I became acclimated enough to them to use them for various other excursions without fear of damaging my feet or legs.

    They're great for walking any where. Don't run on concrete if you can help it. If you haven't already, learn to run and land on the front part of your feet, not the heel.

    Great for trails and grass.

    They are NOT great on wet tile. Even though they have laser cut "grips" they can be very slick on wet tile. I found this out after mopping the kitchen floor in them!
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I have a pair, like the others said you need to work your way up to wearing them for running. Wearing them around the house walking is a good idea to start.

    I like mine okay but the issue I have is that when I run (or walk) on hot pavement the bottoms of my feet get HOT. It isn't my favorite thing ever since my comfort level seems to be controlled by my feet and if my feet are hot I feel very uncomfortable.
  • laughlovelive17
    laughlovelive17 Posts: 8 Member
    I too love mine! I have the Bakila for running. There is an adjustment period. First your calves may be tight after a run and then you may experience top of the foot pain, but once your body had adjusted, they are great! I love them on trails especially! I feel that I am better able to run on rough terrain without old bulky sneakers on.

    I also have the Ninjini socks. I didn't at first, but there was one spot on my foot that kept rubbing. These socks definetly saved them for me! They are a little expensive, but worth it!
  • whiteeagle12
    omg i like them i got barefoot almost all time but they are to high for me to get :(
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    I don't think it helps at all to wear them walking or around the house. When we walk we naturally walk heel to toe. What takes getting used to is avoiding the heels strike while running. Your leg and feet muscles will work more - and differently - than they normally do ONLY when you are running.

    Start with short - very short - runs concentrating on form. If you do alternate, it is important to be conscious of your form, even and maybe especially when, you are wearing traditional trainers. What the research shoes is that runners who swap to the shoes but don't change their running form do get more injuries.

    I love my vibrams - but usually wear Pace Gloves or Soft Star runamocs for outdoor runs now. Same principle, without the gorilla feet look :) There is a pretty good choice of minimalist shoes out there now.