How to record swimming with baby?!

Hello, im taking my 9 month old swimming this afternoon and im wondering how to record it, I wont actually be doing any swimming, just walking/running through water and lifting my LO? x


  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I take my kids swimming at least once a week for an hour but as I'm not actually swimming I tend not to record it. .
  • Hayter2013
    You can still log it as treading water. I took my little boy swimming a few months ago and he hated it! Spent a total of 15 mins in the pool but still burned 64 cals haha!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I honestly probably wouldn't record it either since yeah you'll be getting a little resistance with moving your baby through the water but nothing that really gets your heartbeat up and pumping hard.
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for replies, im thinking i do want to record it as its a new thing so will be doing a little more sitting on my bum lol =] x
  • Hayter2013
    I would, trust me you'd still feel achy afterwards! Despite people saying you feel weightless, you are still carrying a child I can assume would be around 15 lbs.

    Baby will sleep well afterwards too so thats a bonus! lol
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    heh thanks =] shes actually 20lbs lol! I remember when i took her a few months back my arms ached afterwards so must have done something! x