OK.. look what i have done...

:explode: :noway:
Ok.. a girl at work gave me a McDonald's Fruit 'n yogurt parfait.

I haven't had anything from McDonald's in 11+ years! that's right!! 11+ years!! (taco Bell for 5years and Burger King 2 years.. i had only eaten their fries and breakfast food) I don't even know what it looks like in our McDonald's! (i heard it had a fire place...:noway: )

Anyway... I took a bite of the Yogurt.... It tasted terrible (just as i had imagined it to taste)... but i slowly ate it anyway. I didn't want to be rude. so.... I ate it.
This is a day i won't forget... And I will never eat a single solitary thing from McDonald's.

If it had been anything else from McDonald's.. like fries, chicken, salad,or burger... I wouldn't have eaten it.
I am Curious
If you could give up a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life, Which one would it be?
Or If you have given up a restaurant... which one was it and why?


  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    :explode: :noway:
    Ok.. a girl at work gave me a McDonald's Fruit 'n yogurt parfait.

    I haven't had anything from McDonald's in 11+ years! that's right!! 11+ years!! (taco Bell for 5years and Burger King 2 years.. i had only eaten their fries and breakfast food) I don't even know what it looks like in our McDonald's! (i heard it had a fire place...:noway: )

    Anyway... I took a bite of the Yogurt.... It tasted terrible (just as i had imagined it to taste)... but i slowly ate it anyway. I didn't want to be rude. so.... I ate it.
    This is a day i won't forget... And I will never eat a single solitary thing from McDonald's.

    If it had been anything else from McDonald's.. like fries, chicken, salad,or burger... I wouldn't have eaten it.
    I am Curious
    If you could give up a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life, Which one would it be?
    Or If you have given up a restaurant... which one was it and why?
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I could give them all up except taco bell. Mexican food is my weakness.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I quit eating at Quiznos when a friend of mine in college started working there. Her first night on the job she was asked to clean the bathrooms - fine whatever. When she finished that task, the manager asked her to wipe the sandwich prep station WITH THE SAME RAG AND BLEACH WATER AS THE URINALS!

    I know that was one isolated *I hope* incident, but haven't stepped foot into a Quiznos since then.
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    i love fruit and yogurt parfaits from mcdonalds with lots of granola yum:heart: ... how can you not like them?
  • jpketz
    jpketz Posts: 73
    Your revulsion at MacDonald's "food" is appropriate and nice to hear.

    After reading "Fast Food Nation" and Michael Pollan's "Omnivore's Dilemma " (a must read for anyone who cares about what they eat and where it comes from) I haven't been to a fast food place since (going on three years). Part of that decision is purely because I prefer real "food" and there is little of that to be had at most fast food restaurants, and many of the popular sit-down chain places, too.

    But I'm afraid it's also true that our food choices are political, as well. What businesses we patronize, who we support with our food dollars speaks volumes. Right now, in the U.S., because most of us are jaded, addicted, are in denial or just plain lazy, we've ceded power to the big food processors, big agriculture, subsidized corn and soybean farmers, factory farms and cattle ranches, and food industry lobbyists, who manipulate (sometimes even write) ineffective legislation like the Farm Bill, which simply perpetuates the status quo...food corporations make money...consumers suffer from poor quality food and unsustainable farming practices.

    The good news is there are exceptions, like MFP, places where folks can become conscious of the role food occupies beyond just the calories in, calories out. So good for us.

    Okay...stepping off the soap box now. Sorry for the rant...you got me started!
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    I stopped eating McDonalds almost two years ago after seeing that documentary movie about it in school, the "Supersize Me" one ( :laugh: )? Before seeing that, I used to eat it almost everyday during my lunch period in grade nine (probably caused my massive weight gain too :laugh:). It always made me feel sick a gross after eating anything from there, but I never stopped until I saw the facts of what was in it and what it'd do to you over time in that movie. :grumble:

    ...I would never give up subs though! I :heart: my sandwiches.
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    another good thing about living in good old NZ we have so much healthy options at our McDonald's and a mccafe as well with even more options its great and most of the other KFC and burger king have salads etc everything is regulated big time so things have had to change with what things are made from and grown with. we, at the moment, don't let genetically modified food in this country if we can help it at least not grown here.

    although subway is my all time fav oh and hell's pizza which is quite healthy as far as pizza goes im still to work out who much of that i can eat in one go but mmmm to die for
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Back in the day I was awful! I loved fast food! I ate it while I was pregnant (both times), I fed it to my little ones:embarassed: I would order more for them full well knowing they wouldn't eat it and I would finish it for them.

    It was a process, but we RARELY eat fast food anymore. And by rarely, I mean once or twice a year. Usually it's on a road trip and there's nothing else around to eat. It's been over two years now I would say.

    My kids watched Super Size Me and it changed all our lives. My kids want to change the school lunches, they know how to read nutritional info, they understand health. I am very proud of them.

    If I was to pick one it would be KFC.:sick:

    But what I'd really love to wipe off the face of the earth, is what our schools feed our kids! UGH!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I rarely eat any fast food either, haven't for years. Sometimes I go through a Sausage egg McMuffin phase. Yummy. And Taco Bell crispy taco supremes w/ hot sauce. I haven't had one of those in a year or so.
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    I gave up McDonalds many years ago. I have never been able to figure out what the draw is.
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    i love fruit and yogurt parfaits from mcdonalds with lots of granola yum:heart: ... how can you not like them?

    too sweet... it was like pudding

    jpketz- I agree with you 100%