Women and chin ups

Can anyone confirm that these get easier with practice?

I attempted my first today and totally sucked!!

I had being lifting weights prior so next time will give them a go first to get a better idea


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I suck at them too, but I suck less than I did a few weeks ago so yes, they're still hard but not as hard as they were. (chin ups are an equal opportunity hard exercise! :laugh: )
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I suck at them too, but I suck less than I did a few weeks ago so yes, they're still hard but not as hard as they were. (chin ups are an equal opportunity hard exercise! :laugh: )


    Just keep practicing. I'd say do them 3 to 4 times a week. If you can only do partials then just do as many partials until you get better.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I got better when I put a jelly donut right above the bar. Pull up *chew*
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    They definitely get easier as you get stronger!

    Does your gym have the assisted pull up machine? Those help - or using one of those elastic bands or a stand to support your feet and help you up.

    I've only just recently been able to do 3 in a row! (Goal is 10)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    You can also work on lat pull downs until you get strong enough to lift your own weight and then can transition to the pull ups.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Yes! They do get easier!

    Also, what hiker said.

  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I'm not attempting them till I drop some weight. Then I should be better at them. ;)
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.

    Why not the lat pull down machine??
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I do mine in the pool using the start blocks. Ok, fine, I'm a cheater :P
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    One of my goals
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.
    Um... I used the lat pull down, and also the pullup assist machine. I did it on my own for the first time on a playground, but I certainly strengthened my muscles with the lat pull downs and pullup assist machine.
    I still do the lat pull downs, actually, but can do OVER my body weight now. (I weigh between 155-160 and can do 165 lbs).
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Wait, I think I'm confused now. The difference between pull ups and chin ups is the way your hold the arm/the way your arms face right???
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    After about 8 months of assisted, I can do 4 in a row. It seems like the lat pull down would help - but sometimes the best way to get better at something is just to do it. Keep working at it - it is an awesome feeling.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.
    Um... I used the lat pull down, and also the pullup assist machine. I did it on my own for the first time on a playground, but I certainly strengthened my muscles with the lat pull downs and pullup assist machine.
    I still do the lat pull downs, actually, but can do OVER my body weight now. (I weigh between 155-160 and can do 165 lbs).
    I did 4 sets of wide and 4 sets of close grip pull downs every back day for about 9 months, I did keep getting stronger and made great progress. But one day I decided to see how many wide grip pullups I could do and barely did 6. I was shocked!! I found out your lower back is very important for doing pullups and lat pulldown machine isolates your body so your not using your lower back. So I stopped using the lat machine and started using a chair to assist me and now 3 months later I can do 4 sets of wide grip pull ups and 4 sets of closed grip pull ups without the chair. Basicly using a lat machine isnt nearly as effective as doing pullups even if you need to use a chaiir for assistance. ( I'm actually doing weighted pullups now)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.
    Um... I used the lat pull down, and also the pullup assist machine. I did it on my own for the first time on a playground, but I certainly strengthened my muscles with the lat pull downs and pullup assist machine.
    I still do the lat pull downs, actually, but can do OVER my body weight now. (I weigh between 155-160 and can do 165 lbs).
    I did 4 sets of wide and 4 sets of close grip pull downs every back day for about 9 months, I did keep getting stronger and made great progress. But one day I decided to see how many wide grip pullups I could do and barely did 6. I was shocked!! I found out your lower back is very important for doing pullups and lat pulldowns isolate your body so your not using your back. So I stopped using the lat machine and started using a chair to assist me and now 3 months later I can do 4 sets of wide grip pull ups and 4 sets of closed grip pull ups without the chair. Basicly using a lat machine isnt nearly as effective as doing pullups even if you need to use a chaiir for assistance. ( I'm actually doing weighted pullups now)
    Well, of course it's better to do the real ones - or to do negatives until you can do the real ones - but that doesn't mean you *shouldn't* do lat pull downs.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Yep they get easier!! Whatever you do dont use the lat pull down machine, use a chair to assist you and you will see that you need less and less help to get thru them. Also if your gym has a pullup asssit machine they are great aswell.
    Um... I used the lat pull down, and also the pullup assist machine. I did it on my own for the first time on a playground, but I certainly strengthened my muscles with the lat pull downs and pullup assist machine.
    I still do the lat pull downs, actually, but can do OVER my body weight now. (I weigh between 155-160 and can do 165 lbs).
    I did 4 sets of wide and 4 sets of close grip pull downs every back day for about 9 months, I did keep getting stronger and made great progress. But one day I decided to see how many wide grip pullups I could do and barely did 6. I was shocked!! I found out your lower back is very important for doing pullups and lat pulldowns isolate your body so your not using your back. So I stopped using the lat machine and started using a chair to assist me and now 3 months later I can do 4 sets of wide grip pull ups and 4 sets of closed grip pull ups without the chair. Basicly using a lat machine isnt nearly as effective as doing pullups even if you need to use a chaiir for assistance. ( I'm actually doing weighted pullups now)
    Well, of course it's better to do the real ones - or to do negatives until you can do the real ones - but that doesn't mean you *shouldn't* do lat pull downs.
    Well, you can do things the easy way or the hard way to make progress, its up to you. When I started working out I could do 3 wide grip pullups so I decided to use the lat machine instead, nine months later I could do 6 wide grip pullups. In the last 3 months of doing wide and closed grip pullups and using a chair for assistance, I now can do 4 sets of each without a chair. If I would have just kept doing pullups using a chair from the start 13 months ago, I would have been alot farther along than I am now.
  • taemegod
    taemegod Posts: 2
    Yes, they do get easier. However, just a word of caution. When I was 18 and training for Mrs.Fitness( I had already been in steady training for over year with a personal trainer who ran the Golds gym, I tore my bicep while doing chin ups. It didn't hurt, but obviously not good. My arm turned purple and grew about twice its normal size. If you've ever seen pictures in muscle mags you'll no what I mean its totally gross and unbelievable that theres no pain. Funny eh. Anyway, practice cautiously if you are new try fewer reps and try supporting your weight either by having a spotter or chair to support a bit of weight, or lower bar you can stand under letting your crossed legs touch the ground a little.
  • CharleneExtreme
    oh God!! Please say your triceps better now!!
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Wait, I think I'm confused now. The difference between pull ups and chin ups is the way your hold the arm/the way your arms face right???
    Yes Cynthia you got it. :happy: