back fat...

kaylou Posts: 375 Member
Ok I just tried on my wedding dress (april is the wedding) for the first time. I am really happy that it really needs no alterations....however I need to get rid of the back fat....what is the best overall exercise. I was thinking running. I need to look lean.


  • s_sanchez
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Start off doing assisted pull ups on a bar. Gradually build to a full pull-up. If you're already doing strength training, build them in. If not, consider a good program such as P90X (90 days), or the New rules of lifting for women (NROLFW).

    Weights wise, try a bent-over row (works well for the back and arms) and/or lat pulldowns.

    This is the BEST thing I've found to sculpt my back (i.e. no more bra lines).
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Running is nice to strengthen and tone legs, but unfortunately doesn't offer a lot to help out the back and upper body. You can certainly run on the "off days" of lifting, though.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Ok I just tried on my wedding dress (april is the wedding) for the first time. I am really happy that it really needs no alterations....however I need to get rid of the back fat....what is the best overall exercise. I was thinking running. I need to look lean.
    If you go to the gym .... butterfly excercises are good ... congrats on the wedding .... and good luck in your weight loss journey :heart: Megan
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    keep in mind our body loses fat in layers *like sheets* your back will lose the fat in conjunction with the rest of your body. "Generally" you will notice the weight loss from out to in.

    Meaning: your arms and lower legs will look thinner first as there is less to lose in these areas. building muscle is great and will help lose fat quicker, but again your body will release like like you're being unrolled from the paper towel roll one sheet at a time. :flowerforyou: I bet the dress looks amazing and congrats on your wedding! :love:
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day shred for about 4 weeks now (4 days a week) and I have noticed a difference in my arms and legs. And I have been running on the in between days. but I just can not seem to be successful with the back. My dress is strapless with a "V" in the back. I totally love the dress from the front (even the stomach area that I was worried about) Its just the back.
    I have 4 months until the actual fitting so I am hoping to see a change by then.
    Thanks for the advice.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    keep in mind our body loses fat in layers *like sheets* your back will lose the fat in conjunction with the rest of your body. "Generally" you will notice the weight loss from out to in.

    Meaning: your arms and lower legs will look thinner first as there is less to lose in these areas. building muscle is great and will help lose fat quicker, but again your body will release like like you're being unrolled from the paper towel roll one sheet at a time. :flowerforyou: I bet the dress looks amazing and congrats on your wedding! :love:

  • ARussell01
    Hi. Congrats on the wedding. I was just married at the beginning of the month and had lost almost 30 lbs to fit in to my dress (will post pics soon). I would suggest standing with feet shoulder width apart, extending arms (with weights in-hand) slanting down (forward) towards the floor. Hinge and the knees and pull back. It'll seem like nothing but you'll feel it the next day. Good luck!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Best back strengthing exercise is Rock Climbing. See if you have a gym near you. It is fun, interactive and great to do with a loved one. Great for learning team work and communication too. But the workout is amazing.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Adding yoga might help as well. REALLY tones those muscles among other benefits.
  • Melissa19f
    I have this same problem with a recent weight gain due to some medication. I naturally have a narrow waist, so my weight is not as noticeable as far as my back is concerned, unless I wear a form fitting top. I was trying on clothes and I was flabergasted and disgusted.

    Anyway, you must watch your diet and do cardio to help reduce overall body fat. I have found that lat pull downs or standing shoulder/military presses emphasizing the downward movement with barbells tones this area. When I do this excercise I am forced to contract my abs and it feels like it literally reshaping your muscles to lengthen and as a result smooths this area.

    My only issue is that I need to continue doing this regularly so the back fat doesn't return. :-)
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Ages ago... I had trainer that made me use the rowing machine for back fat.