Tubes tied (Mom's only)

I know this isn't weight loss related but I'm wondering if it hurt getting your tubes tied. I am going to talk to my OB next week about but from what I understand it is an external surgery. I've only had internal surgeries (LEEP done twice) so I'm nervous.


  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    My tubes were tied as soon as my twins were delivered via c-section, so I can't comment on the surgery itself. I will say that my body hasn't been the same since. Pain during ovulation and a very different cycle ever since.

    Worth it to me, but I'd have appreciated knowing what I was signing up for, you know, besides no more pregnancies. ;)
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    I had my tubes tied after my baby in Jan of 2011. I didn't have the pain of having it done on its own, but I haven't had any negative effects from it either. Granted I hadn't had a period for 5 years before I got pregnant (thank you IUD) and I have them now and I do get some cramping with that but not horrible. Like the poster before me said, definately worth it for the peace of mind from a contraception standpoint.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Wouldn't it be easier if your OH gets the snip?.......
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    They have to make a small incision in your lower abdomen to reach the tubes. I think it's an outpatient procedure and you generally go home that same day if it's not being done at the same time as a csection.

    There are other options you can consider too. For example the Essure procedure - that one does not require cutting at all. What they do is they take these very small, flexible coils, they inser them into your Fallopian tubes but instead of cutting through your skin to get there, they go up through your vagina and cervix to place the coils in your Fallopian tubes. Once the coils are placed, your body naturally grows scar tissue around the coils and after some time it leads to the tubes being completely blocked off so that eggs and sperm cannot meet. You do have to go back for a follow up and have a quick procedure with dye injected ingot he area so that they can do a scan and make sure the tubes are completely blocked. It is also permanent. You can ask your OB what they think about tubal ligation vs Essure, as well as other options that are not permanent but that last for years if you want them to.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I know this isn't weight loss related but I'm wondering if it hurt getting your tubes tied. I am going to talk to my OB next week about but from what I understand it is an external surgery. I've only had internal surgeries (LEEP done twice) so I'm nervous.

    I had some cramping but nothing too bad. I have mine clamped and they made a small slit on the panty line and in my belly button. No complaints here as of yet and I've had it for 2 yrs :)

    If you're not sure do dome research.. that is what I did
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    After I had my son (he was 10lbs 5oz) I decided to stop there because I figured the next one would come out walking. He was born in Dec 06 and I had my tubal April 07. It was outpatient. 2 incisions, one in my belly button and one in my panty line. I was sore for a day or so but nothing bad. No problems since!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    My tubes were tied as soon as my twins were delivered via c-section, so I can't comment on the surgery itself. I will say that my body hasn't been the same since. Pain during ovulation and a very different cycle ever since.

    Worth it to me, but I'd have appreciated knowing what I was signing up for, you know, besides no more pregnancies. ;)

    I also had my tubes tied during a c section and have had problems ever since. Painful ovulation and it sent me into a sudden menopause. I have a lot of problems including anxiety attacks, body aches and all the menopause symptoms. I definitely wish I knew what I signed on for. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. But, my BFF had hers done and just has painful menstration. It depends on the person. Hope everything works out for you.
  • laurienkids2
    laurienkids2 Posts: 8 Member
    I had the Essure procedure done last August. There is no cutting involved & it's an outpatient procedure. I actually had it done on a Saturday at my Doctor's office. It's fairly new...came out in 2002, but has a great success rate for permanent birth control. I highly recommend it, I've had no trouble at all from it. It was uncomfortable to have done, but not painful. Here is a link for more details & you can also ask your Doctor about it.
  • stitchingmom
    I had my tubes tied in 97 after my last baby was born. After 10 years of pain, intense bleeding etc, I ended up having a hysterectomy. I will tell you that if you research it you will find a very high percentage of women who have this surgery end up having a hysterectomy down the road. It is much easier for the men to have it.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Had my tubes tied as soon as my son was born, while the epidural was still in. It was slightly uncomfortable for a few days afterward, nothing major. I didn't notice any change in my monthly cycles, cramping, anything like that. I had LEEP five years ago, and it was way more uncomfortable.
  • tyoung4
    tyoung4 Posts: 30
    Yes I totally agree with pain and have not been the same since I had my tubul 9 yrs ago!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have a teeny tiny 1/4 inch scar in my belly button from having mine done. Barely any pain at all and only 1 stitch. Not a big deal at all since I had asked him to cut, clamp, sew, burn and them tie them to my earlobes. It has worked so far. lol
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i was considering having it, but after having no periods for the last 3 years (thank you IUD), i think i'll stick with that. I love not having a period, and find it quite disgusting a thought to ever have to go back to them.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    They have to make a small incision in your lower abdomen to reach the tubes. I think it's an outpatient procedure and you generally go home that same day if it's not being done at the same time as a csection.

    There are other options you can consider too. For example the Essure procedure - that one does not require cutting at all. What they do is they take these very small, flexible coils, they inser them into your Fallopian tubes but instead of cutting through your skin to get there, they go up through your vagina and cervix to place the coils in your Fallopian tubes. Once the coils are placed, your body naturally grows scar tissue around the coils and after some time it leads to the tubes being completely blocked off so that eggs and sperm cannot meet. You do have to go back for a follow up and have a quick procedure with dye injected ingot he area so that they can do a scan and make sure the tubes are completely blocked. It is also permanent. You can ask your OB what they think about tubal ligation vs Essure, as well as other options that are not permanent but that last for years if you want them to.

    Some one else told me a bout the Essure procedure and I thought about talking to my doc about it next week
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Why not go for essure? It's just as effective, can be done in the doctors office with no surgery. You do have to wait a couple months for it to be effective though - that's the only draw back.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Yes I've had my tubes tied and it won't hurt you too much. It is NOTHING compared to the pain of labour and childbirth :wink:
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    Had my tubes tied as soon as my son was born, while the epidural was still in. It was slightly uncomfortable for a few days afterward, nothing major. I didn't notice any change in my monthly cycles, cramping, anything like that. I had LEEP five years ago, and it was way more uncomfortable.

    I agree about the uncomfortablness with the LEEP!!! It bothered me for a bit.
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    I know this isn't weight loss related but I'm wondering if it hurt getting your tubes tied. I am going to talk to my OB next week about but from what I understand it is an external surgery. I've only had internal surgeries (LEEP done twice) so I'm nervous.

    Have you looked into ESSURE?

    I have a few friends who did this; it fares MUCH better than tubal ligation, from what they told me. Vasectomies for men is also a great idea. It's easier for them.

    **edited to say**
    -Looks like folks here already brought it up! :)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Had my tubes tied 8 months after my daughter was born (14 years ago). Outpatient procedure done on a Friday, back to work on Monday.

    I did have heavier TOM after that, though.... like really heavy. Due to my large kids (9lbs 2oz & 9lbs 14oz) playing havoc with my bladder (I think they used it as a trampoline), I had to have bladder surgery in July 2010 and the doc asked if I wanted to have a hysterectomy. HELL YEA I did. And I haven't regretted it since.
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    Hi, I just had mine done March is done as day surgery and being put under is always a bit scary but afterwards it felt like really bad period cramps, and you have two spots where there are stitches (belly button and at your bikini line) the stitches disolve on their own but until they do I found were my button/belt of my pants rubbed bothered me for awhile (still is actually)...