busy full time student. needs help with food =[

i hope im in the right forum.

hi, im about 10 pounds away from my goal weight. i have my 5 year anniversary with my bf coming up in may and we plan on going to Catalina island and go snorkeling and other swimsuit nonsense =P. (thats kind of my motivation) my dilemma is this...

i work at a fast food industry 5 days a week and go to school full time the other 2 days that i am off, so i literally have no time to do anything but homework. i don't have a regulated schedule of when to eat (which is probably a huge issue), i just eat when im hungry... except when i get hungry it turns into starving in about 10 minutes... so i dont have alot of patience with cooking huge time consuming meals. so i give in and have really bad food choices.

i really need motivation and maybe some tips and tricks on what to eat, whats fast, some excersises etc. that will help me stay on target =/ (sorry if i rambled and this seems confusing). im just lost.


  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Hey there! I'm a busy full time student as well. One of my biggest challenges is buying cheap, easy (and horribly unhealthy) foods on campus. I've pretty much been able to stop that though by making sure that I always have a few healthy snacks on me. I am always carrying around a couple of oranges, some granola bars, dry cereal, etc. and I always make sure that I have lots of water. The only actual large meal that I eat is dinner since that's the only time I'm home. I'll cook every night, but I won't cook something that takes up a lot of time (seriously no patience for that). There are a lot of recipes that are quick, easy, and healthy online :) For instance, I make garlic, red mashed potatoes a lot. Throw them in a pot for 20 minutes and read a couple of pages of a textbook while they are softening!

    In terms of exercise, I try to fit it in whenever I can. I wake up 20 minutes earlier to walk to campus instead of taking the bus. I turned walking my dog into taking a short jog with her. Also, I make sure that I have 40-60 minutes a day for real exercise for Insanity. It sucks. I always feel guilty for exercising when I "should" be studying (finals are in two weeks!), but at the same time, I try to remind myself that my degree isn't going to be any useful if I die from a heart attack at the age of 30.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I always feel guilty for exercising when I "should" be studying (finals are in two weeks!), but at the same time, I try to remind myself that my degree isn't going to be any useful if I die from a heart attack at the age of 30.

    I've heard it said that people who exercise do better on tests and retain information better. So now you have a reason to workout before you study. ;)
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    i was just asking someone about insanity. ive been wanting it so bad =[ i love baby red mashed potatoes. that helps alot. and you totally understand the whole fast food no patience lol. thank you.
  • m0dizzle
    m0dizzle Posts: 101 Member
    I feel your pain! I, too, am a student working 2 jobs and volunteering all the time.

    Make a BIG batch of brown rice or quinoa when you have time, and store in the fridge. Cut up veggies into bite size and store in ziplock baggies either in the fridge or freezer. Stir fry the veggies ( takes only a few minutes ) and throw into some rice with soy sauce- easy stir fry!

    Make a dozen hardboiled eggs and eat them all week.
    I posted a topic with my banana latte smoothie recipe- keeps you full for a while & great for breakfast:
    2 bananas, 6 ice cubes, 1 cup skim milk, 3/4 cup strong brewed chilled coffee, a dash of cinnamon, and (optional) 1 tsp sugar or splenda, blend and top with cool whip and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Makes about 2 glasses for only 191 calories each.

    Make pasta sauce ahead of time and freeze in ice cube trays- just pop out and thaw for easy pastas topping.

    Invest in a slow cooker- seriously. Fill it with ingredients the night before, place it in the fridge, then set it and forget it in the morning!
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I try and cook a large amount of food when I have the chance. for example, today is a "reading day" before finals so no classes, just supposed to study. I made a big batch of pasta sauce (about 8 cups, so 16 servings) while sitting in the dining room trying to cram a whole mess of information into my brain. I then had some for dinner with my boyfriend and froze half and stored the rest in the fridge. That will tide us over for a few days and then I don't have to worry about cooking a big meal.

    When I'm on campus I bring some plain nonfat greek yogurt mixed with berries, almonds and agave nectar. I also keep some lara uber bars in my bag, and usually throw in some baby carrots or a piece of fruit into my back pack in the morning so I'm never tempted to buy junk on campus. I'm also pretty broke so pre-planning helps save money too!
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Marinate and cook a bunch of chicken breasts on your day off. They go on sale all of the time, just check the grocery ads and freeze whatever you don't cook that week. Then you can chop the meat into salads and stirfries all week. I ate a lot of stirfry meals while in college, just be careful of the sodium in the soy and teriyaki sauces.

    Use a light marinade like Italian dressing or Mojo Criollo (Mexican/Hispanic section - usually cheap!) so you can add other spices and sauces. When in doubt I always have soy sauce, teriyaki, honey mustard, Frank's hot sauce, salsa, Tobasco, Worcheshire sauce, and Parmesan cheese on hand to flavor it up in different ways.

    I also buy tilapia fillets when they're on sale. They cook up fast (15 minutes) and you can flavor them up all kinds of ways. I do it cajun spiced, garlic/lime/honey, and italian with a shake of bread crumbs and parmesan.

    Instant brown rice and frozen veggies make cooking faster as well. Make sure you buy the 5 or 10 minute rice.

    I used to think I didn't have time to cook either. If you plan ahead and make the time, you can make lots of great easy meals in under 15 minutes just by adding different spices and veggies as well as using different dipping sauces. The more you cook, the easier it gets and the more creative you'll get with your meals.

    One final note. Buy a crock pot/slow cooker. You can get a small one pretty cheap at Walmart or Target. Put a chicken breast in, cover with condensed french onion soup, add some small potatoes and baby carrots. Add just enough water to cover the meat and veggies. Set to low and cook all day while you're at work and/or in class. There are tons of slow cooker recipes for busy people like us.

    P.S. Ask him to help out. I know it's like pulling teeth (mine hates it too) but figure out a couple of things he's good at and get him in there with you. It's great bonding time and I feel like we're so in sync when we create a meal together. Plus, he's really proud of himself when something he does turns out really good. Even if it's only chopping and sauteeing the veggies for the side dish.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    apples and almonds
  • Jesslhernandez
    Jesslhernandez Posts: 19 Member
    theres alot of great advice on there i work 40+ hrs and im in the military so i totally feel your pain. so i buy alreay 100cal sancks , boost drinks and make fruit smoothies with ice strawberrys half bannana and either rasberrys or oranges . and 1/4 cup grape juice . its a full meal for my morning or lunch. salads or even baby carrots with dip help. i hope this is a lil bit of help.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I worked at McDonalds this summer and gained 10 pounds. I think it's because of the cheap fast food. It's tough but if you're getting a discount on the food there, do some research and figure out what are good choices and make sure to log everything.

    Some ideas for getting the exercise in:
    -ride your bike to school
    -go for a short run everyday (lots of calories in a short amount of time)
    -come up with a routine of exercises like planks/crunches/squats/ect that you can do anywhere

    I feel like I'm more productive and focus better after a workout so I think it's worth it to make the time even if you don't seem to have any
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    I have got to thank all of you for your contributions<3 they all help and are wonderful ideas! i wrote them down and plan on going to the grocery store tomorrow before work!! i especially like the slow cooker ideas! i have one but never knew how to use it but some of you gave me some wonderful ideas! now my cooker wont be for queso dip lol.

    if any of you want to keep in touch please add me, i think because we have similar lifestyles we could really help eachother out! =]=]