what annoys you at the gym?!

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
what are the things that annoy you, whilst your working out at the gym? mine are:

1 - people who feel the need to stare at you! (when ever im on the treadmill, i forever see people staring at me in the corner of my eye. and they make it so damn ovbious!) :explode:

2 - girls who come in with a face full of make-up! why come sweat your pants off with a face full of make up?! =/

3 - those people who think its ok to stop and talk to you when your walking from one machine to another! i dont mind smiling and saying hello, but when the chat to you that wastes like 5 minutes of my time! i have payed to go to the gym to workout not to stand and talk rubbish!


  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    just people in general
    and people who skip from one machine to another constantly
    its like i want to go on that!
    or in that area and theyre just there
    constantly changing machines
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Girls who come in with no make up on looking like slobs:laugh:
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    People dropping weights.
    People not cleaning the machines after they use tham.
    People that take up too much equipment at the same time
    People that go to the gym and just don't seem to work out. they just walk around.
    People that keep changing the TV station
    People that take way too long in the shower.
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    Blokes in the weights corner making so much noise its like you have walked into the set of a porn movie!! then BANG they drop the weights on the floor making you jump outta your skin and put you off your stride on the treadmill
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Guys that stare at you in the weights area.!!!

    Yes, I'm lifting weights! Yes I am of the opposite gender! GTFOI!
  • AWME
    AWME Posts: 12
    People who change in the bathroom stalls instead of in the common area. Some of us just have to pee! And then end up hustling to class after waiting for them to take their sweet time changing in there.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Not much pi**es me off.... the thing that's getting me this week is this guy who is loud all the time. I don't mind a bit of grunting for exertion's sake, but this guy just talks really loud and puts me off. He walks around talking really loud and not doing much else, except distracting people...
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    people trying to talk to me while I am on the treadmill.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Just knowing I've still got another 20 minutes to go when I'm at the point I want to stop :-)

    People there don't annoy me, they are doing their thing and I'm doing mine. Why let them worry you?
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    The jerk who blares rap so loudly I can't hear my classic rock iPhone on full blast... (It's a small community fitness room which unfortunately offers a radio and a TV....................)
  • not much bothers me, but there are always a few people there at the same time that i go (really really small gym in a small town) and i always feel like they are giving me looks like i don't belong there, or that for some reason they are making fun of me for being fat. nobody has ever said anything that i have actually heard but it's just a feeling i get :/
  • lelebug79
    lelebug79 Posts: 2 Member
    Being on the treadmill 15 minutes and ready to jump off it cause I get so antsy, not that i can't go way longer but i get bored easy and want to move on to sumin else.

    I also hate when the teenage girls show up and are texting the entire time sitting on a machine I need to get on.

    I don't mind the noise the the people make over by the weights, it gives me something to watch and entertain me while on my treadmill lol.
  • Overly skimpy workout clothes--put a damn shirt on ladies.

    Guys who try to show off and lift too heavy with cruddy form.

    Guys who assume I don't know what I'm doing because I'm a girl. Uuuh yeah--probably know more than they do I'd bet. Annoying!!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I can get in on this!!

    The lack of parking!!
    People who seem to be there for a fashion show! (meaning covered in make up and don't even break a sweat! Waring make up is ok as far as I am concerned it's those who come in covered and don't even bother to do anything that annoy me!!)
    The music channels!! I have an MP3 for a reason and I would like to be able to hear it without blowing out my ear drums!! and not only that I do not find half naked women dancing about inspiring! If it was men then I may be converted! Lol!
    Machine hoggs!
    People who take away your dumbells or toning balls without asking if you are using them first!

    I think thats it for now!!

    Oh yeah!! And people who don't clean down the machines are really gross!!
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    not much bothers me, but there are always a few people there at the same time that i go (really really small gym in a small town) and i always feel like they are giving me looks like i don't belong there, or that for some reason they are making fun of me for being fat. nobody has ever said anything that i have actually heard but it's just a feeling i get :/

    That is exactly why I stopped going to the gym. And it wasn't the girls doing it, it was the guys. So I work out at home in the garage. The hardest part is getting to the garage without the cat or dog noticing and whinning at me through the door the whole time.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I don't understand why people get upset about people wearing makeup. I always wear make up to the gym. I don't have any left by the time i'm done, but as I'm always doing something prior to the gym I tend to have already applied makeup.

    Saying that, on the rare occasions I get to head straight to the gym first thing in the morning, I just put on some mascara.

    I tend to get annoyed if I can't use any machines when it's very busy especially if it's because people are using the machines for social hour, or just watching TV and either walking/cycling at the slowest pace possible. :S
  • jdm120
    jdm120 Posts: 54 Member
    This is such a funny post. Love it.

    I don't get annoyed in the gym. I must admit, finding parking can be stressful but once I'm in I love to get on with what I'm doing.

    Occasionally I do have a "staring session". I REALLY don't mean to but people are fascinating - and on the odd occasion I am staring because I am in awe and "want that body". I never stare because I "don't like"/ judge someone though - it's purely innocent.

    But when people make a spectacle of themselves, that's another thing - like the tarted up girl who goes to workout right by "the guys" only to peer over her shoulder ever few seconds to make sure someone is looking (and they weren't), flicking her hair back. It's like that Pink song "Stupid Girls".
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    ..... when that ONE GUY who just worked all day, sweating his *kitten* of at work, you can smell him from SIX TREADMILLS AWAY that he has worked all day long - WORKING OUT IN THE SAME WORK CLOTHES HE WORE ALL DAY LONG, total rankifies the treadmill area and I cant get away fast enough for fear Im gonna blow chunks.

    .... gym members (I see both use the machines for the purpose it was meant for... they basically chat theirselves silly and gawk at the other members while not even making the effort.
    ..... texting and half-arsing the machine they are sitting on - HEY, GET OFF THE MACHINE!

    .... When someone tries to chat like crazy with you despite the fact you walked over to the machine WITH your earbuds/phone on. I dont want to be bothered by anyone whether I know them or not. If you want to chat with me afterwards while Im heading out the door, or the next time we meet when its not at the gym, no problem. But if Im working out, short of telling me "the fire alarm is going off" because my noise-cancelling earbuds are that damn good, leave me the hell alone...
    Overly skimpy workout clothes--put a damn shirt on ladies.

    ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!! CLEARLY these girls (or guys) are not at the gym for their health, and think its a pick-up joint. If you are going to be damn near naked (quite literally mind you), go to the beach if you think wearing what looks like an almost bikini is ok. The gym is not a night-club....
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    walking/cycling at the slowest pace possible. :S

    about 6 months ago, i was getting back into walking after tearing all the ligaments in my ankle and therefore could not walk at a very fast pace at all and someone came up and asked if she could use the treadmill as i was not doing much work :grumble: you never know.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    People who shower with the curtain open then proceed to towel dry with their leg up so you can see everything. I know we're both women, doesnt mean I WANT to see your vag, put it away.

    I can sympathise with the using several things at once, I sometimes do circuits with a friend where we set up our own, so I'll have a treadmill, and some weights around me to keep jumping on and off (gym ironman challenges with sets of runs are an awesome killer workout)

    I'd say blokes who stare at me stretching (I have a hardcore flex session in the gym once a week and do a lot of splits work), but a lot have been quite friendly enquiring about what Im doing and why, so I dont mind too much.