Sorority Girls?

I was just curious as to see how many sorority girls there are trying to stay fit and healthy! I'm a Chi Omega and with all the mixers, functions, sisterhoods that revolve around food and drinking it is hard to have control sometimes!

Any other Greek girls agree?!


  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I had an Omega egg...does that cound? lol... sorry, be on:tongue:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    A lot of gym time? Where I went to college, many of the sorority girls were often on the ellipticals with their earpieces in and short shorts sweating it all away.
  • ImJDLookatME
    I am a Kappa Delta alum and I went to they gym all the time with my sisters. I hated the politics of Monday night meetings and would hit the gym right off to burn off some steam.

    You are right with all the functions and drinking its hard to lose weight, so I maintained during the school year and then would lose in the summer.
  • imincancunbitch
    I'm a Chi O alum :). It was super hard in school staying motivated, because we're just really social, awesome girls, haha! But you just have to put yourself first and realize that if this is something you truly want, you're going to have to make some sacrifices. Because once you've graduated, you have to deal with all the weight gain from school...and that sucks - trust me!