PCOS not my friend



  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I've lost almost 20 lbs from my body's happy place (225), with my doctor's assistance. Through some very disordered eating, I was able to get down to under 150 (I'm 5' 10") and a size 4 a few years ago, and then the weight came back on as I was trying to eat like a normal person again. It's possible, just difficult. I had a very strict regimen and based on what I'm observing now, I'm probably going to have to stick with that, just this time around somewhat more healthfully.

    Get your thyroid checked out (not just TSH, but T3 and T4) and I recommend talking to a naturopath. Mine has me on a whole lot of things to help my PCOS and improve my thyroid and it seems to be working so far, in fact, much more so than my regular OB/GYN.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    Also got that.

    I have no idea how it affects me, I've never been to a doctor with it. I'm not on any kind of medication for it. I'm having not having periods or anything like that. Id be happier with my system at all tbh- would it be worth getting a hormone test? i do get depression and pain from it, but i simply grit down and wait for it to go away. I tend to get migraines from it more though.

    I'm attempting to lose all this excess baggage without medication or much outside help. I figured only I could handle myself though all my life, time so start now.

    Ive maintained a regular weight for over 6 months.. which has proved I can control my weight. Now it's time to shed it.

    Friend me all you like, I'm here for the long road. :))

    I'm also vegan/vegetarian. Yes I love to make my life hard for myself! :P

  • xTenaciousJx
    diagnosed in 2007- i've been working really hard and finally it seems that i've been losing and toning! it can be done don't lose hope...

    any of you can add me if you'd like!!!

  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I have PCOS and I am losing weight. I do not take any of the meds. Feel free to add me :)
  • jessbb23
    jessbb23 Posts: 11 Member
    I also have PCOS. I could not take the Metformin, it made me sick. I have started taking Cinnamon capsules (2 a day). There has been talk that they help even out your blood sugar naturally. I've only been taking them for about 2 weeks now and it varies from day to day how bad the carb cravings are. I also cut out all caffiene. It is so bad for your adrenal gland. Once the adrenal gland gets inflamed it produces non-stop cortisol because it thinks you are stressed. As we all know cortisol tells our body to store fat. Since January I have lost 23 lbs by cutting out the caffiene, watching my calories and exercising. I have to make "smart" food choices no matter what my cravings are. I did have pizza last weekend for the 1st time in 4 months though. Just remember....PCOS does not define who you are. You are stronger then it!! Good Luck!!
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    I don't know where to start friend....PCOS sucks. As if being hairy and feeling unfeminine isn't enough the weight gain is there too! However, I lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 3 years. It wasn't until I had a really really hard time in my life that I gained most of it back (but not all of it!).

    I didn't take meds while losing weight. It does take longer. You CAN do it.

    Here are my top PCOS weight loss tips:
    *water, water, water....did I mention water? Drinking cold water burns calories and flushes/detoxifies your system. You will see progress faster if you drink water

    *exercise. exercise to the point that you think its stupid. Exercising (strength training) will build more muscle thus boosting your metabolism. It will also help regulate your blood sugar, improve your mood which is often compromised by PCOS. It will also greatly speed up your results.

    +Protein. I love carbs. I can't give them up. I cant do it. Balancing your protein with your carbs will make sure that you do not have drastic spikes in your blood sugar which will make you want to eat MORE.

    *Patience. Losing weight is hard. Losing weight with PCOS is harder. You will see results. Patience is KEY.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me!
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    PCOS for a few years now over here:) That's ok, we just have to work a little bit harder. I get you on the mood part, sometimes I just lose all motivation. Other than being sick yesterday I am back on track. I refuse to give up. I have lost 10 lbs so far and around 15 inches. Recently I have read that Chromium with Cinnamon Bark (a combined supplement) helps with some PCOS symptoms. I started taking it about a week ago and I must admit I do see a difference in my daily mood level and carb cravings. Anyone feel free to add me for extra support.
  • philly_rack
    Thank you so much for making this post. I too have PCOS. I haven't had a period since i got pregnant with my son 3 years ago ( i also have an 8 month old. Suprise!!!) I knew it was something because i always eat good for the most part and i could never lose the weight, i just kept ballooning up. I have ot reached my goal weight however i feel healthier which is even more important to me. My trainer stresses protein, protein, protein. I try to cut out all unhealthy carbs. When i do have carbs its wheat pasta, wheat bread, things like that. I kill myself with water so that i am constantly flushing my body out. I do circuit training and weights 3x's a week and Zumba the other 3 days sometimes 4. I also make it a point to walk everyday on my lunch break. Just like someone else posted always continue to watch what you eat. I used to use PCOS and Lupus and my excuse as to why i am so fat, why i can't lose weight, everything. NO EXCUSES NO MERCY thats my new thing.Akso remember HEALTH IS WEALTH MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE. The more we move the better we make out bodies. I wish you all the best. It will and has been a long journey. Stick with it and we will all succeed. I also forgot to add i dont take any medication.

    Feel free to add me just make certain to leave a mesage or something
  • campbellrunning
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS this week. I've been trying to conceive unsuccessfully, which led to this diagnosis. About a year ago I reached my goal weight of 125 but even after losing about 25 lbs I'd been unable to lose much in my waist. So I kind of gave up getting toned for a little while and went back up to 140. Now I am working on it again. It's good to know that there was a reason behind it all. Thanks for everyone sharing. It's comforting to know others overcame it. Good luck to everyone.
  • ladyfingers39
    I was diagnosed YEARS ago but after I started to work out and dropped about 30 pounds I had another ultra sound and they couldn't find any cysts. It can go way. I was able to have two beautiful kids too. :)
    Don't use it as an excuse. Exercise is your friend, move the bod :) Good luck!
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you all for your responses ! i feel so much better knowing that it can be done. my Biggest was when i ballooned up to about 265 probably more than that and i wore a size 22 and 1xl 2xl tops.....this was when I first found out

    so now on and off i keep gaining and losing but so far that is a current head shot of me and I wear a size 18 in pants and xl to 1x in tops such a big difference.

    The only thing is the shape of my stomach and middle i have what i call the hang belly or the PCOS danger zone! lol
    any suggestions to slim the middle where most of the weight of mine sits?
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    The only thing is the shape of my stomach and middle i have what i call the hang belly or the PCOS danger zone! lol
    any suggestions to slim the middle where most of the weight of mine sits?

    Look into low glycemic eating, watch your carb and sodium intake, and continue to exercise.
  • auntamama
    auntamama Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, but sure that I have had it for a very long time. I have endometriosis, and my past doctor said possible PCOS, but never diagnosed or treated. I have been battling my weight for a very long time, and am glad to finally know why it has been so much harder for me than a regular person. I am now trying to conceive and of course they say loosing weight will help. I've been on Metformin for 2 months now, and thought it would help me to loose weight, but I wasn't doing much else to help. So now I have been eating better and exercising just this week, and feeling pretty good and confident. Looking for other Cysters for encouragement. Love seeing success stories. Would love to help encourage you as well.
  • vonnetta23
    I posted this in a similiar topic regarding PCOS:

    It's good to see that I am not alone in this PCOS struggle! :-) I was first diagnosed with it back in 2006, but I didn't start treatment until August 2010 when I noticed the symptoms had become worst (bigger waistline, hair thinning, lack of cycles, etc). I was prescribed Metformin and advised to lose at least 20 lbs. I started at 182 lbs (I'm 5'4), and by February 2011, I dropped to 162 lbs. I was on a plateau for quite a while, but as of today, I am down to 153 lbs. Metformin isn't for everyone, but it was a HUGE help for me- along with watching my calorie intake (about 1200 per day). I've also cut out fried foods, limited my carb intake- although I am a sucker for pasta and bread, but I did replace them with whole grain pasta and whole wheat bread. :-) Other changes includes increasing my veggie, fruit and water intake. Water makes a huge difference as well. But the most important thing; and it goes hand in hand with eating healthy- is EXERCISE. I do 40 minutes of cardio 4-5 times a week. Some days, I do incorporate strength training; but for the most part, it's cardio- 20 on the elliptical and 20 on the stationary bike. You can take all the great advice that has been posted on here (and it is some great advice- I'm still learning), but the bottom line- do what works for you. You'll probably have to go through a "trial and error" period to figure that out. Once you do, CONSISTANCY will become a lot easier and you will be well on your way to reaching your goal. Don't expect results overnight or within a short period of tiime; eventually you will see a difference. Hope my testimony will be of some help and motivation for you and others. :-)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    The only thing is the shape of my stomach and middle i have what i call the hang belly or the PCOS danger zone! lol
    any suggestions to slim the middle where most of the weight of mine sits?

    Look into low glycemic eating, watch your carb and sodium intake, and continue to exercise.

    Absolutely! My Endocrinologist has been a KEEPER in helping me with this where she actually has the nutritional background needed for this...
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I have PCOS and have had the dignosis since 1995. I was 15 years old when the Dr. gave me the news. I was lucky cause i have never had a problem with my periods. For the last 17 years i have delt with the weight and excess hair growth. I have been on the weight loss journey for 3 months so far and have lost 19lbs to this point. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 14 and am very happy with my progress so far.

    feel free to add me as a friend
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    im so excited!!! thank you all!!
  • twinsmom03
    twinsmom03 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, My name is Donna! I am just getting started again on this road trip! I also have PCOS and a Thyroid issue. I look forward to all the support you can give!

  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18, I'm 25 now. Because of uncomfortable and very irregular periods, I was put on birth control pills in high school (different ones during different years for a couple of reasons). When I was 19 I began getting headaches all the time, to the point where it was 24/7; that lasted for 7 months. I saw doctor after doctor, test after test and no one could find anything wrong with me. Eventually, we found an article about a girl in the area with very similar but much much worse symptoms, and her diagnosis. We tracked down her doctors, and met with them as soon as possible. Long story short, they figured out that I had a small blood clot behind my eye. The doctor said that if it had gone unnoticed for a few more months I could have gotten much worse, and it could have ultimately lead to death. After much experimentation, we found that the blood clot was a result of the birth control pills, and I was told to stop taking them immediately. The blood clot disappeared on its own and the headaches, although still there, are much less often and more bearable.

    Unfortunately, without the birth control, controlling my weight has been much more of a challenge. Ever since I went off the BC I have gained weight gradually, but noticeably, despite living a relatively healthy lifestyle all my life.

    I struggle with my weight, irregular periods, terrible cramps, regular headaches, and other unwanted symptoms on a day to day basis.

    Thank you for starting this thread. It helps to read about other people's stories and successes with PCOS.