Breaks during P90x?

Anyone else have to take breaks during P90x? It's my first day. I'm pausing it when I need a break and i just walk in place until I'm ready to pick it back up so I'm getting the whole workout in, just slower then the dvd. Will I stilll get results?


  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    As Tony says, pause if you need to ... and when you're ready to push play again, he'll be there waiting for you.

    Just don't forget to push play!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    As long as you always do as much as you can, you'll see improvements with both your ability to do more exercise and in your body. I wouldn't necessarily pause the video as then you won't know how you're improving each week. If you can, print off the P90X worksheets from beachbody and jot down the amount of reps you manage to do each time so you can see how you're getting on.

    Whatever you do, don't give up! A lot of the people who got good results are those who struggled the first few weeks but tried as hard as they could. Pushing yourself past your limits will cause injury and not trying hard enough will not allow your body to become stronger. I'm sure you're doing fine.

    By day 90 you'll see serious results if you eat healthy and does as well as you can every day. Best of luck!
  • kravmom
    kravmom Posts: 23 Member
    As long as you keep making improvements and don't make it a habit, you'll be fine.
  • ClassicPearl
    ClassicPearl Posts: 141 Member
    Oh yeah! I take breaks. The plyometrics work out is about an hour and I did it in an hour and a half. But I still finished it! That's what counts. Keep pressing play :)
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    As Tony says, pause if you need to ... and when you're ready to push play again, he'll be there waiting for you.

    Just don't forget to push play!

    LOVE it!!
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    If you don't take breaks during it, you rule! After a few weeks in, you will rip through cardio, kenpo. Plyo on the other hand.... I don't think that I ever did not have to pause in the middle and I have done it three or four times. P90x2 .... final phase for me.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Pause is a far better word than quit!

    FYI - I worn the print off my remote pause button!!
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    As Tony says, pause if you need to ... and when you're ready to push play again, he'll be there waiting for you.

    Just don't forget to push play!

    It was so hard to hit play again!
  • ScottyBeBop
    ScottyBeBop Posts: 174 Member
    It gets easier as your body adapts a bit. I just started 2 weeks ago myself and the first time through i thought i was going to die.